

“Okay, we need to hit up the bar first.” Kaner said as the limo came to a stop.

“Dude we just popped a bottle of champagne.” Jonathan held up the empty bottle that the three took down in record time. “We are supposed to make a good impression on the fans.”

“I am a lot more tolerable towards people when I am not 100% sober.”

“Jon, this is actually true…” Eastyn laughed.

“I suppose, come on.” Jonathan got out and held out his hand for Eastyn. She climbed out gracefully and took the arms of both Blackhawks stars as they headed to the open bar.

“Gimme a vodka and red bull.” Kaner called over his shoulder to the waiting bartender.

“Eastyn?” Jonathan let her order first.

“Bacardi and cranberry.” She smiled at Jon. “Hold on, let me guess…and a rum and coke for this guy.”

“Got it.” Jonathan smiled as she correctly guessed his drink order. The bartender handed them the drinks and they were on their way.


@Kaner88: Let’s get this show on the road! Who am I meeting first?! COME FIND ME!

@Sharp_10: Might be hard buddy, you are less than the average height in here #gethimastool @Kaner88

@Kaner88: WTF? Shut up Sharp. @Sharp_10

@Bseabs: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! @Sharp_10

@Bseabs: RT@Sharp_10: Might be hard buddy, you are less than the average height in here #gethimastool @Kaner88

@Kaner88: I’m on a team of idiots #ihaveclass

@Eastyn_loveee: @Kaner88 and #swag

@Kaner88: Finally someone understands me RT@Eastyn_loveee @Kaner88 and #swag


An hour and 4 drinks into the event, Kaner had successfully met 3 older couples and a handful of puck bunnies.

“How many numbers do you think he’ll get tonight?” Eastyn nursed her glass in her hands.

“At least 4.” Jonathan stood next to Eastyn as they watched the self-proclaimed team stud work his magic.

“You know, this event used to have a lot more class. It used to be legit fans here to meet the team now it’s like a bunch of puck sluts here to cross out sleeping with a professional athlete off their bucket list.” Jonathan nearly choked on his drink listening to Eastyn’s description of the night’s festivities.

“You couldn’t have explained that any better.” Jonathan let out a throaty laugh.


@Kaner88: Damn, prettyyy sure this place is filled with bombshells #whoscominghomewithmetonight ?

@Eastyn_loveee: Well at least @JonnyToews agrees with me.

@Dman_Keith: Oh about the... event? @Eastyn_loveee

@Eastyn_loveee: Si amigo @Dman_Keith

@Dman_Keith: About it being “One puck away from a hat trick” ? @Eastyn_loveee

@Eastyn_loveee: If “One puck away from a hat trick” means one slut away from a strip joint than yes. @Dman_Keith

@Dman_Keith: Well I was trying to be subtle but yeah @Bseabs: and I were saying the same thing. @Eastyn_loveee

@Eastyn_loveee: OMG @JonnyToews and I met the cutest elderly couple though the man waited 49 years for the cup and he cried telling us the story @Dman_Keith

@Dman_Keith: NELSON AND GLADYS?! @Eastyn_loveee

@Eastyn_loveee: YES! OMG! They were the cutest couple ever! @Dman_Keith


@JonnyToews: HAHAHAHA!!!!! Kaner is about to bust out the Kaner Shuffle!

@Eastyn_loveee: At least someone is having fun at this shindig

@Kaner88: Oh hello, Kayla says she and her roomate are huge fans ;) #threesome

@Kaner88: RT @KatieBee Uhmm…it’s Katie @Kaner88

@Kaner88: Honest mistake.

@Browzers Someone give @Kaner88 a condom before he reproduces…
♠ ♠ ♠
I had so much fun writing this chapter!!! Tell me what you think.

Do you want to hear more from any certain player? If you do, let me know!!

Peace. Love. Hockey.