

@Eastyn_loveee: Holy hell, somebody get Kaner and Crawford off the stage!

@Browzers: HAHAHAHA!!!! RT@Eastyn_loveee: Holy hell, somebody get Kaner and Crawford off the stage!

@JonnyToews: Yup, it’s about time I head home. See you fans, it was AMAZING to meet with you guys.

@Kaner88: Whaaaayy? Bro the pary jisyt started! @JonnyToews

@JonnyToews: Well considering you can’t even spell right now, I think the party is over for you too @Kaner88

Eastyn_loveee: Peace out homies! I had a great night! I will update my blog with pictures tomorrow! Stay tuned


“Hey Jon, I’m spending the night at your house.” Eastyn declared as the pair stepped into the limo.

“Uh sure.” He laughed at her abruptness, though inside he was ecstatic.

“What time is it?”

“It is…” Jonathan paused, taking a look at his watch. “12:54”

“Awesome. I am so ready to pass out.” And she really was, the limo barley moved four feet before her head found Jonathan’s shoulder and her eyes shut. He laughed to himself as he swiftly pulled off his coat and draped it over her body. The limo stopped announcing the arrival at their destination. The driver opened the door for him so Jon could carry the light framed girl up to his apartment.

“Sleep tight, baby girl.” He kissed her head and climbed into bed next to her.

When the sun rose the next morning, Eastyn was first out of bed. Beside her was the beautiful man she spent the prior night with, sleeping. Just sleeping, in the purest sense.


@Eastyn_loveee: Some things in life are just really beautiful…but you can’t let your guard down too easily.

@Sharp_10: Uhh Eas? What’s that supposed to mean? @Eastyn_loveee


Eastyn crept into Jonathan’s large walk in closet. She glanced at his sweats, grabbing a pair of basketball shorts, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. She changed right in the closet. Eastyn then hung her dress on the hanger and walked back into the room. Searching the bedside table for scratch paper, she ran into a box of condoms that made her giggle. They were un-opened. She spotted a stack of post-its and a marker.

Thank you for letting me spend the night. Really. I am going away for a few days. It’s very unexpected but I will be back…
Take care while I’m gone.

All my love, Eastyn

She stuck the note to the counter on her way out. She took a taxi back to her place where she dropped off the dress and put on new shoes. In a hurry, she threw a bunch of random things into a small suitcase along with her personal items and took another cab to the airport.

“Hi, can I help you?” The desk attendant asked sweetly.

“Yes, what flights leave within the hour with open seats?”

“Let’s see…” The attendant typed away on the computer. “There are a couple to New York. One to California. Another to Florida. One to Dallas…”

“I’ll take a seat on the one to Dallas.”

“Sure.” Once the flight was booked, Eastyn checked her and and headed to the gate.


@Eastyn_loveee: Time to get away. Need to clear my mind. This can’t be happening.

@Sharp_10: Eastyn what the fuck is going on. Tazer just called and said you just left @Eastyn_loveee

@JonnyToews: Eastyn Logan Malone, where the fuck are you. Answer your phone @Eastyn_loveee:

@JonnyToews: Heading on the ice. Dunno what to do #worried
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a short chapter, I know.

But you guys. Holy drama right?! Haha

Send some love!

Peace. Love. Hockey.