

Eastyn pulled at Jon’s sweatshirt she had on. She had read the texts and tweets that the boys sent her. It made her sad that the boys were that worried about her, but last night was too real. Jonathan was starting to be the guy she’s always wanted. She couldn’t have that. She couldn’t DATE a hockey player, not one of the Blackhawks and especially not the captain. She fell asleep and by the time she woke up, it was time to land.

“Eastyn! Hey babe.” The male voice answered.

“Hey Burr, uhh, what are you doing?”

“Just laying at home. We don’t have a game until Saturday.”

“Can you do me a favor and pick me up from the airport?” She grabbed her purse and headed off the plane.

“In Dallas…?” She could hear him get off the leather couch.

“No Adam, in Los Angeles.” She said sarcastically. “Yes Dallas.”

“Sorry! Coming right now. Why are you here?”

“Long story. I will explain why when you get here.”

“Okay, babe.”

Eastyn followed the crowd to the baggage claim. She waited to for her suitcase to come around. As she was looking through her purse for her journal, a hug from behind startled her.

“God! Freak me out.” She clutched her chest.

“Sorry hun. What are you doing here?” He chuckled.

“Uhm, I just needed to get away from Chicago. It was becoming a little much for me.”

“Did you just pick up and leave?”

“Kind of…yes.” She looked away from his eyes.

“Eastyn! Does anyone know you left?”

“No…my work does, but it’s okay ‘cause I brought my laptop so I can do my blog here.”

“Oh dear lord, Eastyn.” Adam scolded.

“Sorry! I just…they would have convinced me to stay if I told them.”

“Then tell him you need to go travel for work.”

“I don’t want to lie to them!”

“Okay, fair enough.”

“That one’s mine.” Eastyn pointed at the suitcase. Adam grabbed it and led her out to his car. “It’ll only be for a few days. I will probably leave on Saturday after your game.”

“Sure sure.”


@Eastyn_loveee: Boys, I am okay. I will be home early Sunday. Sorry if I worried you.

@Kaner88: What the fuck Ee? I wake up with a killer hangover and find out that you disappeared. @Eastyn_loveee

@JonnyToews: @Eastyn_loveee Extremely pissed at you Eastyn Logan Malone.

@Sharp_10: Thank god. I was so fucking worried Eastyn! What the hell is going on? @Eastyn_loveee

@AdamBurish: Hey guys, she’s with me in Dallas. I will take care of her. Don’t worry.


Eastyn, what is going on?

Eastyn sat in Adam’s car staring at the one text message debating if she should answer it or not. She sighed and gave in.

I just need to get away for a little while.

What is there to get away from? I thought last night was amazing. And the night before. Eastyn, did I do something?

That was the question she was afraid of. She didn’t want to say yes. It would worry him and he didn’t exactly do anything wrong. It was her problem not his. But she didn’t want to say no either because that would be lying.

No…yes…not really. Jonathan you are a great guy, okay? Don’t change anything about yourself.

Okay, I’m just going to put this out there in case you didn’t know already. I like you Eastyn. A lot. Ever since that first interview I made a COMPLETE fool of myself in, I have like you. And last night, I thought we shared something, but I guess I was wrong if you need to get away.

We did share something Jonathan, but I am messed up beyond belief. I’m not good for you. Please don’t be mad.



@Kaner88: Fuck this shit, I’m getting me a drink.

@Sharp_10: Dude it’s barely even noon! Put the fucking alcohol away! @Kaner88

@Kaner88: Try and stop me DAD! @Sharp_10

@Sharp_10: I miss @Eastyn_loveee

@JonnyToews: Me too Sharpy @Sharp_10

@Kaner88: Quit being such ladies. She'll be back soon. @Sharp_10 @JonnyToews

@JonnyToews: Glad to know you care. @Kaner88

@Kaner88: Up yours Tazer! @JonnyToews
♠ ♠ ♠
Little more serious...don't worry though, it'll be back to funny stuff soon!

Leave some love!!

Peace. Love. Hockey.