

Eastyn and Adam spent the five days she was there catching up. They haven’t spoken much since he made his way to the Stars, so they utilized their time.

“Eastyn…do you like any of the guys?” Adam asked as he was getting ready for his game.

“I like all of them. They’re all my family.” She answered as she typed away on her laptop, unaware of Adam’s real question.

“No Eastyn,” He snapped her fingers until she turned his way, “Do you like any of the guys?”

“Oh…oh!” She gasped. “No…no no. No one.” She stammered.

“Eastyn, it’s Jonathan isn’t it?” Adam read her like a book.

“What? Where did you get that idea? What?” She shook her head.

“Eastyn Logan Malone.”

“Yes…but I can’t so I came here. I can’t like a hockey player. I can’t date him. Especially him. I mean, he’s the captain. Of the Blackhawks. I work for the Blackhawks. I can’t date him. Plus hockey players are jerks. They are party friends only. I’ve dated one. Don’t ask, it just ended really badly and I just can’t do it again!” She rambled on and on Adam snapped his fingers in front of her face again.


@AdamBurish: Someone get @Eastyn_loveee a chill pill. She might have forgotten how to breathe.

@Eastyn_loveee: STFU Burr. This is a big problem! Stop tweeting and help me fuck-face! @AdamBurish

@AdamBurish: Sorry! Christ! @Eastyn_loveee


“Who did you date before?” Adam set his phone down.

“No one you know. I dated him in high school.”

“So what’s stopping you now?”

“Cause if hockey players were assholes in high school, imagine how they are in the NHL!”
“Eastyn, you are so stupid sometimes.” Adam busted out in a loud laugh.

“Excuse you?” She was not amused.

“Has Jonathan ever let you down?”


“Is he like other players in the NHL?”


“Have you ever seen him take home a one night stand?”

“No, but Kaner…”

“We’re not talking about Kaner right now we are talking about Jon.”


“Does he get you? Does he know what you like? What you want? Can he read you like I can?”

“Okay…so he’s different.”

“Yes. Exactly, so give him a chance.”


“What the fuck E? Why not?!”

“There’s still the he plays for the Blackhawks and I work for them dilemma!”

“Now you’re just making up excuses!”

“Am not! I am being logical!”

“Bull. Shit.”


@Eastyn_loveee: Burish is being a meany pants.

@AdamBurish: Eastyn can’t handle the truth.

@Eastyn_loveee: Burish doesn’t feed me.

@AdamBurish: THAT IS A LIE AND YOU KNOW IT! @Eastyn_loveee

@Eastyn_loveee: I’m just kidding you guys. He’s good to me don’t worry. I’ll be back in town later tonight/early tomorrow.

@AdamBurish: Get off twitter and handle your problems like a man. @Eastyn_loveee

@Eastyn_loveee: I’m a woman…@AdamBurish

@AdamBurish: Same difference. @Eastyn_loveee
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update today!! Whoo hoo!!! I am just on a role! Hahah!

Watching the Canucks game :) I should really be studying for the ACTs....

Oh well! Leave love!

Peace. Love. Hockey.