Pray for Us on the Wild Side

Hot Patootie

"Jackie, c'mon! I don't have fucking time for this." I yelled and pounded my fist on the bathroom door. She was getting ready for school, and boy, did she ever take a god damn long time!

"I'll be out in a minute, Candy." She said, in her sweet, girly voice.
"If you aren't out in a few minutes, I'm fucking kicking down the door. And I told you, it's Kurt, not Candy." I retorted, enraged.
"Whatever, Kurt." She scoffed, finally opening the door and I ran in right as she opened it.

I relieved myself as quickly I could and locked the door. I felt like hot boxing the whole bathroom, but Jackelynn would tell on me. I sighed and started getting ready...


I sat on the curb, waitin' for my best friend, Cyn, to come chill with me. She wanted to go see her luuuuvvv Ponyboy. I dunno what she sees in that kid. He ain't tough, nor cute. But he sure is nice. Too nice, in fact. I lit up my cancer stick and just inhaled. It felt nice to be outside, right now.

I saw a girl with brown hair, rushing up to me. I squinted and realized, HOLY SHIT, IT'S HER! She had cut her hair a bit shorter, but she looked damn good.

"Heyyy Kurt, wazzap?" She asked, breathlessly.
"Uhm...nothing really, I'm just gonna go chill with you and Pony, I guess." I sighed, wishing my best friend and love was here.

"Still miss him, huh?" Cynthia asked, lighting up her own cigarette.
"More and more each day..."

I remember every little detail about Curly Shepard. The scar on his inner left thigh, where he got bit by a really crazy girl, who was goin' down on him. Oh wait...hahah, that was me... and how he used to sleep, all curled up in a ball. Hmmm, sure was a long time ago.

Or the nights where we would just sit, smoke a bowl or a joint, and talk for hours. No one knew me better than Curly and vice versa.

But my favorite memory was when I first met the guy...


"Kurt, ya got the stuff?" My then boyfriend, Jason, asked.
"Yeah, don't even worry about it...who's tha?" I asked, nodding my head to the curly haired kid, who towered over Jason and I. Boy, was he ever tall...I'm guessing close to six feet. And ayuh, he was sure yummy. Beautiful blue eyes, dark curly hair and a killer smile. Wait, lemme rephrase that...a killer smirk.

"Oh that? That's Curly Shepard. Curly, this is me girl, Kurt." Jason introduced us, his British accent flowing with his words.
"What kind of name is Kurt? Ain'tcha a girl?" Curly asked, smirking at me. I knew he was trying to mock me.
"Nope, I'm a chick." I replied, smirking back. He looked at me, shocked but then he smiled.

We walked around town for a bit, meeting up with Cyn and her then boyfriend, Dallas. We spoke for a bit, but then Curly invited us back to his house.

I'll never forget that day...