Pray for Us on the Wild Side

God Save The Queen

"C'mon, Cynthia! Come to the club with can bring Dallassss!" I sang out to my friend, as I twirled in circles. We were up in my room, listening to music, debating whether she should come to the club or not and I was getting ready.

"I don't think Dallas would like the scene." She said, brushing her hair.
"I think he'd like it just fine. Tell him there's lots of booze!" I yelled out, giggling. She rolled her eyes and nodded.
"Okay, okay...we'll go. I'll be back in about an hour. See ya." She said as she left my room.


I bobbed my head to the music as I sat with Cynthia and Dallas. I was waiting for Jason to be here, but he was sure taking his grand old fucking time. I was really angry when I saw Curly was with him. That kid is a creep. I don't like him.

I marched up to Jason and smacked him upside the head.
"Fuck you." I said and walked out of the club. I told him how I didn't like Curly, and what does he do? He fucking invites the guy to the club again?!

I walked to the Curtis house and flopped on the couch. Darry, Soda and Ponyboy all looked at me surprised.

"Weren't you at the club with Cynthia and...Dallas?" Ponyboy asked, emphasizing on Dallas' name, I knew he was jealous.

"Yehhh, but Curly was there and I don't like him." I sighed dramatically and laid down more comfortably. Ponyboy scowled and I giggled.
"Don't get your panties in a bunch just 'cause Cynthia's with Dallas. Besides, they haven't done it...yet!" I piped up. He glared and then marched upstairs.

"Ya gotta do that every time, Kurt?" Soda asked, batting his eyelashes.
"Yeh, I do, got a problem, pretty boy?" I asked, batting my eyelashes back to him. He smirked at me, but I know he wants me. He's wanted me for the longest time. But he can't have me.
