Pray for Us on the Wild Side

No Feelings

I leaned my head on Jason's shoulder, we were driving to the liquor store. I had a major headache, we decided to throw a party last night and party like it was...well, a good year.

I had a horrible hangover and the guys just wanted more booze to cure it. I wanted to lay in bed with Jason and maybe just stay there until night time.

But Curly and Tim INSISTED we join them. I cursed mentally and just closed my eyes. Jason was so fun to cuddle sometimes. He smelled so delicious too...not like my sister's boyfriend, who smells like pickles and cheese constantly. What an odd kid...

We arrived back home minutes later, the guys had more liquor, more girls and much more loud music. I kicked them all out of Jason's place and Jason and I just lounged in bed. We slept all night and we only awoke around 9 am the next day.

I turned on a Sex Pistols album and hurriedly got dressed. Sodapop wanted me to come over to sell him a few good records and maybe make out. Okay, I know what you're thinking, but I'm not going to make out with him. He just wants me too bad.

Besides, I think Emma wants him. I'm not even kidding. They are always around each other...Please, let them go out so Soda can forget about me...


I dashed over to the Curtis', only to find Two-Bit and Curly Shepard, fighting over some cake.

"Since when are you here?" Curly asked, stopping the fight and letting Two-Bit walk away with the last piece. I smirked at Two-Bit and he licked his lips at me.




Does everyone in this house want in my pants? Ohhhh well...everyone sucks. I took off my hot pink platform Converse and put them somewhere where no one would trample over them.

I sighed as I looked in the fridge, helping myself to a can of Pepsi.

"Okay, where's Soda?" I asked Two-Bit, who stopped watching Mickey Mouse and drooled over me.
"He's in the shower..." Two-Bit said, slowly and in that kind of tone that meant "Fuck me now."

"Two-Bit..." I strutted towards him, he seemed like he might just erupt. In his pants, mind you.


"Will you keep me company while Soda finishes up?" I asked, as I sat down next to him.
"Of course..." Two Bit stayed very still and very quiet. But everyone once and while, he'd glance over.

Soda took his grand old time and it had been over 10 minutes that I was already over.

All of a sudden, Two-Bit pulled me in for a kiss...