Sequel: To Love Somebody

Love's the Funeral of Hearts


Months later...

Darry decided to be the big brother to me, since...well...Sodapop proposed! He told me, that if I was a drop out, I'd keep my job and that I was a part of the Curtis family, but as if I never was! I was family all along. Cynthia and Sarah had their children, Sarah had a boy named Jimi and Cynthia a girl named Janis. Ring a bell? If not, I don't give a shit. Okay, they named their children after Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. I was really happy.

Ponyboy worked quite a bit. He's been saving money like a crazed man. I really don't want him to turn out like Darry, all coldhearted and having no fun, so Soda and I babysit Janis quite a lot. She's a real cutie, looks a lot like Cynthia, but she's got Pony's eyes. Jimi had the same facial features as Sarah, but you could just tell he was Two-Bit's could just tell.

I let my hair grow out and it was very close to my waist now. It was also now a brown color. And somewhat wavy. Soda says he really likes it. I look more natural. Whatever that's supposed to mean. Stupid boy. But I still love him. Too much, I'd like to believe, but oh well! That's love for you.

Soda decided to move in with me, but he still helps Darry with the bills. I continue to sing every now and then. My last album, on which I worked with Janis Joplin and Grace Slick. They are amazing artists and my biggest influences.

Steve and Erna are still together, and thankfully, she isn't pregnant. I pelted Steve with boxes of condoms at his work one day, Soda helped! Haha, maybe he is useful for something other than sex...Okay, I'm just kidding about that!

But one day, after work, I had the late shift, I got to the Curtis house and saw that everyone was in the living room, silent...

Something's fucking wrong.