Just Some Cinderella Story

Angela's Story

Just some Cinderella Story
Once upon a time, there was a teenage girl named Angela. She lived in a very large house in a land very far away. Angela’s father died leaving her with her stepmother and her two stepsisters. They did not like Angie very much. They made her live in that attic and work like a maid. One day Angela had met a boy her age while out to buy bread for the stepsister’s lunches. He had made Angela realize what life really could be like outside of the castle walls.

“ANGELA! GO TO THE BAKERY AND GET ME MY HYPOALLERGENIC BREAD!” Her stepsister Victoria screamed from the bottom of the attic stairs.

“NOT NOW VICTORIA!” Angela yelled back. She was in the middle of playing Go Fish with her two favorite mice, Pierre and Pascal. She was winning too. She just needed a queen and…

“I DON’T CARE GO NOW!” Victoria screeched.

Angela sighed, “I’m sorry guys… I need to go and get Victoria’s bread…”

“FINALLY!” Olga said as she threw up her arms. “What where you doing up there? Wishing that you where as pretty and me and Victoria?” Victoria and Olga cackled their irritating laugh at their joke.

“Yes,” They looked at Angela in awe. “Because I’ll never be as pretty as you two,” She said sarcastically.

The sisters glared at her. “Just go get the bread A-n-g-e-l-a,” Olga snapped while pronouncing every letter in Angela’s name.

Angela quickly turned away from the sisters and walked out of the door. She looked around outside, trying to find her basket for the bread. She had spotted the basket on the hook near the gate. She immediately walked over to it and took it.

“Angie!” a squeaky voice said. Angela looked around to see where the voice and come from.

“Angie! Down here!”

Angela looked down to her feet and saw the two mice she had come to love. “Hi Pierre! Hi Pascal!” She said sweetly.

“Where are you going Angie?” Gus Gus asked.

Angela bent down to be able to talk to the mice more on their level. “I’m going to go and get bread for my sisters.”

“Can we come!?” The mice asked in unison.

Angela laughed and nodded her head. The mice both cheered and climbed into the basket. The three of three talked and laughed all the way to the bakery. Finally they made it to Ye’ Old Bakery to get the hypoallergenic bread. “Hi baker man!” Cinderella said cheerfully.

“Hello Angela. I have a problem…” the baker man said solemnly putting his head down.

“How could anyone have a problem on a day that is as amazing as today?” Angela questioned.

“Well my nephew is in town and I have no time to show him around the town…” he said. His head shot up. “I have an idea! Angela! Would you please take my nephew around the town!? I will give you your sisters’ hypoallergenic bread free for a week!”

“Well I don’t know…” Angela said in a weary tone.

“Please Angela… you’re my only hope!” he begged. Angela sighed but nodded her head.
“Oh thank you so much Angela!” he turned to the door that connected his bakery to his house. “Prince! Come here!” Angela saw a boy around her age come through the door. “Logan, this is Angela. Angela, this is Logan.”
She looked down to what She was wearing, a tattered blue and brown dress with a white apron… Angela looked awful… She looked back up at him to see him smiling back at her.

“Shall we?” Angela said.

Logan smiled at her, “We shall.”

Angela walked out of the bakery with Logan following closely behind. Logan asked her many questions, for example he asked about her family. Angela told him about how her father died and she was left with her evil stepmother and stepsisters. He asked more about her life. She told him just about anything he asked her about. They walked around the town once. Logan asked her if he could show her the gate one more time. Once they got to the gate Logan turned to her.

“Angela. I know that we have just met but I need to know something… Will you please leave this town with me? I know that we have just met but I feel like I need to get you out of this town and away from your step-family,” He looked down. “I feel like I have this instant connection with you Angela… it is like we are meant to meet and be together. So be with me Angela and leave this wrenched place!”

Angela looked at Logan in awe. She was speechless. She looked down at her feet. What was she to do? She hated living with her stepfamily… But she had only known Logan for less than an hour… The answer she gave him would change her whole life… if she said no she knew that she would never get a chance to leave again…

Angela looked up at Logan and smiled, “I’ll go with you.”

Logan smiled and took her hand. He turned to the gate of the town and started to run. Angela ran behind him. They ran and ran until they came upon a train station.
He sat next to her on the train.

“Logan, where are we going?” Angela asked.

“We are going to my kingdom.” He smiled. Angela’s eyes widened.

“Kingdom?” she choked out.

“Angela I am a prince. Prince Logan the Fourth."

“Angie, we are going to like it here.” I heard Pascal’s squeaky voice say.

Angela’s life was never the same.
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for Moonlit.Memories alphabet contest =]
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