Right Here Waiting

: Have Faith In Me :

Cam's POV

It had been a long week.

I still can't believe what happened between Chance and Chase.

I've never ever heard Chance talk like that to anyone.

Especially Chase.

She's been upset since their talk.

Argument is more an accurate description.

She's been really quiet too which is really unnerving.

There's nothing Chase hates more than fighting with family.

And I hate that I can't be there for her as much as I'd like.

My team started midnight trainings that last far into the day.

And I can tell she hasn't been getting much sleep.

She has dark circles under her eyes and she turns down food whenever I offer.

I don't know what the hell is going on with Chance.

This Terry bitch has really got a tight hold on him.

As much as I like and get along with Chance, if I see him I'm going to wring his neck.

He made Chase cry and that's not acceptable.

From anyone.

Trainings ended somewhat early, surprisingly.

I raced home, wanting to see Chase.

But when I got home, her bike was gone and there was a note on the table.

'Went to the bar.'

I sighed deeply and headed back to my car and to my woman.

Tammi's POV

I'm glad that things are back to normal.

That ape that grabbed me a few weeks ago hasn't made a return visit.

Can't say how grateful I am for that.

I've had enough run ins with controlling men who liked to show their superiority with their fists.

I looked over at Chase as she sat at the bar, looking a little lost.

I felt a pang in my chest.

Chase has been really good to me.

Gave me a job when I really had no experience working in a bar.

Shes been there to lend a ear when I needed it.

And it's about time I returned the favor.

I look down around to make sure no one needed immediate attention before walking over to Chase.

"Hey honey. You okay?" I asked, rubbing her back gently.

She turned and gave me a small smile.

"Not really." She said quietly.

I was a little taken back.

This isn't the Chase I know at all.

My friend is in your face and happy no matter what.

I sat down next to her, squeezing her hand.

"You want to tell me what happened?" I asked softly.

She was quiet for a minute before squeezing my hand back.

"I had a fight with my brother. A really bad one." She told me.

I could see how upset she was.

She looked like she wanted to cry.

"What was the fight about?" I asked.

She took a deep breath and retold the story.

How she had been talking to her brother and all of a sudden things had gotten out of control.

Some really hurtful things were said and feelings were crushed.

Chase's to be exact.

"I can't imagine Cam took that very well." I said.

And that made her smile.

The smile of a woman who knew she was absolutely loved and adored.

I don't think there is a thing Cam wouldn't do for Chase.

I tried not to let the jealousy get to me too much.

Me and Maya don't need a man.

I am mommy and daddy for her.

And she couldn't be a happier kid.

I smiled.

"Cam definitely wanted to shake some sense into Chance. I just don't understand." She said.

She looked up at me and the helplessness in her eyes did me in.

"It sounds like there was a lot of pent up frustration and anger. Do you have something against his girlfriend?" I asked.

Chase immediately stiffened and I knew I hit the nail on the head.

"She's not good enough for him. She's snotty, and stuck up. And she flirts with Cam right in front of Chance and me. Imagine what she does when he's not looking. And he wants to marry her! What the hell is wrong with him? And why would he take his frustration out on me? All I want is the best for him. And she is most certainly not it." Chase said in a hard voice.

I stayed quiet for a minute.

"Has he been spending less time talking to you and been with her?" I asked.

"Yeah. What does that have to do with anything?" She asked defensively.

"It's okay honey. No need to get upset. Just making an observation. Maybe Chance just thinks that you want him all to yourself and no woman is good enough for him. Or that he's too young to make his own decisions." I said.

A slight blush went across her cheeks.

"He is too young to make a big decision like that without talking to his family. And the fact that we are hardly talking now that he's with that slut has nothing to do with it." She bit back.

I tried to hide my smile.

There's the Chase I know.

"Chance is probably picking up on the hostility you have towards this girl. And he's so blinded by puppy love, he thinks your just making these things up to separate them. He can't see things like you do. You just need to give him time. Her true colors will shine through." I said.

She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I don't like it." She said.

"But you know I'm right, don't you?" I asked her.

She smiled after a minute and nudged me with her shoulder.

"What do I owe you for the advice Oprah?" She asked with a laugh.

"More laughing, smiles and cheerfulness instead of this gloomy grumpy person I've seen the last couple days. Thats payment enough." I said.

Chase grinned and her eyes stared at something over my shoulder.

That smile could only mean one thing.

Cameron Alexander Kelli has entered the building.

I smoke and gave her a hug.

"Go get your man." I told her.

She laughed and hugged me tightly.

"I'll do you one better. I'm gonna get you a man!" She exclaimed.

Her eyes were still locked on something behind me and suddenly I felt eyes boring through me.

I turned around slowly and saw Gage Thompson staring at me.

The intensity in which he was looking at me would've knocked me over if I hadn't been clutching the counter.

The night Gage had helped me out came to the front of my mind.

The gentleness and the sweetness he had shown me was enough to make the strongest of women, weak kneed.

On top of that, he's drop dead gorgeous.

Gage smiled at me and the little skip my heart did didn't escape my attention, or Chase's.

She grinned even wider and pulled me close.

"So Tammi, what do you think of my buddy Gage?" Chase asked me.

I felt the blush come across my face before I even had a chance to answer.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed happily.

"Shhh! Geez Chase! I don't like Gage honestly. And I don't need a man." I told her incessantly.

She smiled even wider.

"Try convincing him of that." Chase mumbled.

My eyes narrowed in confusion as she laughed and walked away.

I heard a throat clearing behind me and I froze.

"Hey Tammi." His deep voice made me tremble.

"Uh, hey Gage. How's it going?" I asked.

His smile would be the death of me.

I could tell.

"No complaints. Me and Cam have been doing midnight survival trainings so that's always exciting. Tiring but exciting." Gage said.

I smiled as I looked him over.

Gage lives and breathes the Army.

It's his whole life.

And he's amazing at what he does.

He's loyal, he's strong, I know he watches Cam's back when they're called away.

And I know it makes it just a little bit easier for Chase knowing Cam has someone like Gage looking out for him.

It made me smile.

"What's that smile for?" Gage asked with a grin.

"Just thinking." I said.

"Hopefully about me." He said with a cheeky smile.

I laughed until I realized I was flirting with Gage.

Not a good idea.

At all.

"Uh, I have work to do." I said quickly.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand quick.

"What would you say to going out on the date with me?" He asked.

I was shocked to say the least.

My mouth dropped open and it only made Gage smiled wider.

Cocky man.

"Um, I cant. I'm sorry." I said, turning to wipe down the bar top.

"Why not? Are you busy? Seeing someone else?" He asked curiously.

"No I'm not seeing anyone else. I just, I cant." I said again.

"There has to be a reason." He insisted.

Yeah there is, I'm scared.

"I have a daughter. Now do you want to go out?" I asked, my words having more bite than I anticipated.

He didn't looked shocked or even fazed.

"Wow. I didn't know you had a daughter. Thats awesome. Why don't you bring her with us? We could all grab a bite to eat." He suggested.

I chocked on my words.

"Look, I'm really not ready to be in a relationship Gage. So why don't we just leaves things alone." I said.

"Because I don't want to leave you alone. I want to have dinner. Maybe you to the movies. Go out for ice cream. Do that normal stuff I don't get to enjoy that often. What are you so scared of?" He asked.

"Im not scared." I answered immediately, even though it was the farthest from the truth.

"Good. Then I'll pick you and your daughter up tomorrow night and we'll go out to eat." He said simply.

My mouth dropped open.

This is not a good idea.

"Don't look so scared Tammi. I'm not gonna bite. Unless you ask me to." He said with a devilish smile and a wink.

He turned and walked towards Cam and Chase.

"I'll see you tomorrow night Tammi." He said over his shoulder.

I sank against the counter.

Oh boy.

What did I just get myself into?
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