Right Here Waiting

: Chances :

Tammi's POV

I kept my eyes focused on the wall of alcohol in front of me.

I could feel his eyes watching me and I had to dig my fingernails into my forearms to keep from turning to him.

I went on a date with Gage last Friday.

And when I say it was the best date I've ever been on, it's no joke.

He was a gentleman.

He opened my car door for me, he pulled my chair out, let me order first, he even stood up when I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I had only seen men do that in movies and I couldn't help the blush that when across my face when I remembered the good night kiss he pressed to my lips at the end of the night.

He didn't push himself on me.

Which is nice for a change.

He just leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine.

"Tammi, I'm going to have to kiss you now. Because I've been thinking of it all night. And I don't think I can wait any longer." He said, his voice gruff and his warm breath caressing my face.

I didn't need anymore of an invitation.

I pressed myself tightly against his chest, my arms constricting around his neck to keep him to me.

And thank God he wasn't trying to go any place.

His lips were warm and gentle against mine, almost as if he knew that's what I needed, even if my actions stated otherwise.

I pressed my fingers against my lips and savored the memory, my smile widening in the process.

"What are you day dreaming about over here Tammi?" Chase asked with a chuckle.

I whipped around quickly my clipboard flying out of my hands, and my cheeks turning bright red.

"Nothing. I was just, uh, doing inventory. Seeing if we need anything." I said, my voice hoarse and my words coming out in gasps.

She looked at me for a moment and then her eyes roamed over to the table I had been trying my hardest not to look over at.

She turned back to me and the knowing smile on her face told me I would not be getting out of this one.

"Well, well, well. Looks like someone has been keeping secrets." Chase said, her arms crossing over her chest.

I took in a deep breath.

"We, um, me and Gage went on a date." I told her, feeling relieved when I got that off my chest.

The smile that was on her face might have made her look crazy, if she didn't look so damn cute.

"Really? I'm surprised I didn't hear about it. Gage and Cam gossip like old women. So…?" She asked.

"It was nice." I said simply, bending to pick up my clipboard and turning back to the inventory.

"Nice? Just nice? Come on Tammi. How long have I known you? You can't just leave me hanging like that!" She exclaimed.

Chase really is one of a kind.

Not only is she an amazing person with a big heart, she's a really good friend and was there for me when no one else was.

"Well, he took me to dinner. He was really sweet the whole night. Really considerate. Not something I'm really used to. It shook me up at first, but it was really nice nonetheless. We talked. A lot. Probably about three hours. And then he took me home." I said.

She leaned forward expectantly and I had half a mind to get back to work and let her drive herself crazy thinking about what could have happened.

But I'm not that mean.

"And he gave me a good night kiss." I finished.

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

"Is he any good?" She asked.

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me.

She's just too much sometimes.

"The best guy I've ever kissed." I told her with a blush.

"Woo!" She screamed, catching the attention of everyone in the bar, including Cam and Gage.

I looked down quickly when his eyes met mine and he sent a smile my way.

My blush deepened and I faced Chase again.

"That is so awesome! I knew you guys would make a good couple. The fact that I threatened to chop of his balls and feed them to rabid squirrels if he hurt you has absolutely nothing to do with it!" Chase said, clapping her hands and grinning wildly.

My eyes widened.

"You threatened to do what?" I exclaimed.

"Come on Tammi. You're my friend. And I know you've been dealt the shitty end of the stick your entire life. And it's not fair. You deserve a man that is worthy of you. And Gage may be my friend, and almost my brother, but you're my best friend. The sister I never had and always wanted. Not only are you a good person, but you're an amazing mother. You deserve nothing less than fantastic. And I'll gladly kick Gage's ass if that's not exactly what he gave you." Chase said.

I could see it in her eyes.

She's telling the truth.

And having a friend like Chase Reynolds on my side is not something to take lightly.

And it's not something I ever take for granted.

I'm lucky to have someone like her watching my back.

I'm grateful.

I'm able to stand on my own two feet and support my daughter because of her.

And I don't think I'll ever be able to show her the depth of my appreciation.

"He's amazing Chase. Thank you for pushing me to go out with him. I don't think I would've been able to do it myself." I told her honestly.

"You definitely would've been able to do it yourself. You're so much stronger then you've ever given yourself credit for." Chase said.

I smiled and accepted the hug she gave me, reveling in the comfort she easily brought to me.

"So, tell me, tell me, tell me. Is there going to be another date?" She asked excitedly.

"I don't know. I'm not even sure if he wants to go out with me again." I told her.

"Oh please. He's been staring at you since he walked in two hours ago. He definitely wants another date." Chase said.

I took a chance and peeked over at him.

And Chase was right, he was staring at me.

And his grin only increased when he saw me looking at him.

"Okay. Okay, maybe he does want another date. Is he going to ask me? Do I ask him? Should I even go on another date? I don't know what to do Chase." I said frantically.

She hugged me tightly and held me until I started to breath some what normally.

"You're freaking yourself out for no reason Tammi. Breathe sweets. This is totally your decision. There is no rule book on dating. I know you're nervous and your skeptical and hesitant about getting into another relationship after what happened with your ex. But take my word for it, Gage is a good man. I trust him with one of the most important people in my life. And please believe me when I say, I would never let him near you if I thought he would treat you badly." Chase said.

It made me want to cry when she said things like that to me.

"I know you wouldn't. And believe me, I know you have my back. And I appreciate it more than I can say. I'm sorry if I don't show it more often." I told her.

She waved my comment aside and came and stood next to me again.

"How do you feel when you're around Gage?" She asked me.

I looked down at my feet, embarrassed that I was talking about him and he was thirty feet away.

"He makes me feel…different. Treasured, really. Like I'm this precious thing and he doesn't want me to get hurt. Like he'll protect me. I get butterflies every time he looks at me. I blush every time I think about our kiss, and how much I want to do it again. But mostly, I'm scared because I want him. I want him and I don't know if I should or not. I've made some really bad decisions in my life. And I have no problem paying the price. But I have a daughter. And I'm not willing to let her pay for my mistakes. Never again. Not ever." I said firmly.

"I know you're willingness to protect your child overrides all of your other emotions. I know. I feel the same way about my family. And I can only imagine how much more intense it will be when I have kids of my own. But you have to remember that what happened to you, is in your past. And that is never going to happen again. Because Gage won't allow it. Gage treats women like diamonds. Precious and fragile. He'll do anything to protect you and give you the world if it will make you happy. You just have to be willing to put yourself out there and get him." Chase said.

I looked over at Gage and saw him laughing and smiling with Cam.

I couldn't help the smile that went across my face.

"I think I want to do it. To take a chance. I never thought I'd hear myself say that." I told her.

She smiled widely and hugged me.

"I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you need advice, if you're feeling scared, or if you just want to gush about how cute he is. I'm here. And I'll baby sit Maya whenever you like." Chase said with a grin.

I hugged her tightly and turned my attention back to Gage.

His eyes were on me and I smiled, not wanting them to be on any other woman again.

Man, oh man.

I hope I'm ready for this.

For him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading :)
