Right Here Waiting

: Home :

"Chase can we get another round?" Donny yelled.

I turned towards him and he was smiling innocently.

Donny is a regular at my bar.

He's a good guy.

Likes to have a little liquid fun on the weekends.

He doesn't usually get out of hand, but there are still rules in my bar.

"That'll be your guys third round, Donny. You know the rules. Hand over your keys and I'll call you all a cab at the end of the night." I said.

"Aww come on Chase. I'm not even drunk." Donny insisted.

"Your no exception to the rules Donny boy. If you want another round, bring me all of your keys." I said, putting my hand on my hip.

We stared at each other for a couple of minutes before he finally caved.

"Alright fine." He grumbled.

I grinned and got his pitcher ready as he collected the keys from the three other guys at his table.

He walked over and handed them to me along with the money.

"Thanks Donny." I said with a smirk after I put the money in the register.

"You're a hard ass, you know that?" He said.

"If being a hard ass saves you from driving into a ditch on your way home, then so be it. I don't need that on my conscious." I told him.

He nodded and walked away with his pitcher.

I wiped down the bar top and leaned against the counter.

When I first got the bar, I hung a banner across the back wall that said 'Support Our Troops'.

On the end of each side was a yellow ribbon and pictures of soldiers that frequented my bar.

My eyes stayed focused on one thing.

My boyfriend, Sergeant First Class Cameron Alexander Kelli of the United States Army Rangers.

He's deployed right now and has been for the last three months.

To say I miss him is the biggest understatement in the world.

When Cam is gone, nothing is ever as good as it can be.

The feeling of his absence is an actual ache that hits me right in the chest and doesn't stop hurting until he's back in my arms.

Where he's safe.

Where he belongs.

I stared at the picture of Cam's face.

His hair was cropped short, his five o'clock shadow made him look a little scruffier, a little meaner.

His sharp cheek bones were a prominent facial feature that led down to full, pouty lips.

My eyes lingered on his lips for a moment before I sought out his eyes.

Those beautiful baby blue eyes that first caught my attention three years ago when I met him.

They held a hint of humor as he laughed at something his buddy Gage said.

I looked over at Gage who was also in the picture.

Cam and Gage go back to basic training to get into the Rangers program.

They've had each others back for years.

And it makes it just a little bit easier, knowing that Cam has someone like Gage watching out for him.

I heard a glass shatter and I turned away from the wall of pictures quickly.

I saw one of my waitresses, Tammi, whimpering before a huge drunk that was holding her wrist tightly.

"Sir please let me go." I heard her whimper.

"You think you're too good to go out on a date with me slut?" He snarled, holding her wrist tighter.

Tammi cried out and I started to see red.

I snatched my bat that was under the bar and I jumped over the counter.

I made my way over to him and tapped him on the shoulder with my bat.

He whipped around, not letting go of Tammi as he did so.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asked.

I cocked my eyebrow and looked him over.

About 5'10, 250 pounds, mustache, beer gut, a slob really.

"Sir, I'm gonna nicely ask you once, to please let go of my waitress and make your way out of my bar." I said in a calm voice.

He laughed and looked around, snickering along with his buddies.

"Why don't you go and wipe down a table sweetheart. We're gonna have some fun." The guy said, pulling Tammi against him.

He turned his back to me which was a big mistake on his part.

I took my bat and hit the back off his knees, hard, successfully knocking him down.

He screamed out and let go of Tammi.

"Get behind the bar Tammi." I told her.

She scampered away and the big guy got up.

"You little bitch. I'll teach you how to show respect to a man." He growled.

He came at me and I side stepped him quickly, hitting him in the back and sent him to kiss the floor again.

"Aggh! Don't just stand there you bastards! Get her!" He yelled.

Two of his friends rushed me and I hit one in the balls, cracking the second one in the stomach.

I turned and saw Donny standing over the guy that was man handling Tammi.

His foot was on his sternum, keeping him from moving anywhere.

I caught his eye and he smiled.

I nodded in appreciation.

I felt someone behind me and before I had a chance to move, burly arms were circled around me.

I smelt heavy alcohol and it almost made me want to gag.

"Clever little bitch, aren't you?" He snarled in my ear.

"Oh you haven't seen anything yet." I snapped, elbowing him in the stomach his arms fell from around me and I turned to face him.

He was standing up right and about to lunge for me again.

I went to punch him again but he caught my arm, twisting it around.

I groaned in pain and his hand came down to slap me.

But a big hand clamped down on his forearm and held him in place.

We both looked to see who's hand it was and my eyes widened.

"Cam?" I gasped.

But he wasn't even looking at me.

His eyes we're hard and deadly, and they were aimed at the man holding my arm.

I saw Cam squeeze the guys arm harder and the man instantly let go of my arm and tried to pry Cam's grasp off his.

I stumbled backward and watched as Cam grabbed the guy by his shirt collar and pushed him against a wall, lifting him clear off the floor.

The guy was gasping and trying to kick at Cam, but he couldn't get a shot.

"Maybe you're confused about the way things work in the civilized world. But men, real men, never put their hands on women. We treat them with the utmost respect. Because that's what they deserve. We don't man handle them. Especially not my girl." He said possessively.

I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Now what your gonna do, is take all the money out of your wallet and give it to my girl. For the grievance of having to deal with you and the damages on her property." Cam said.

The guy scrambled for his wallet and threw all his money on the floor.

"And if I ever, ever see you anywhere near this bar, I'll show you what guys like me do to scum like you. Now get the fuck out of here." He growled.

Cam dropped him and the guy practically crawled out of the bar, his friends long gone.

I stood staring at his back as he took a deep breath.

He slowly turned towards me and the second our eyes met, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

His blue eyes were no longer hard and murderous, but warm and filled with love.

For me.

I felt my heart skip a beat when a slow smile made it's way across his face.

"Hey Chase." He said softly.

"Cam!" I bellowed, running as fast as I could and launching myself at him.

My arms wrapped around his neck tightly and my legs constricted around his waist.

I felt his strong arms circling my body and a feeling of completeness set in.

I sought out his lips and could've screamed with joy the second they were pressed to mine.

The sense of euphoria and happiness and complete love and adoration side swept me and would've knocked me flat on my back if Cam hadn't been holding me.

I could faintly hear clapping all around us but I paid it no mind.

I pulled away from Cam's addictive lips and plastered kissed all over his face.

"I'm. So. Happy. You're. Home." I said in between kisses.

I went over his eyelids, his pronounced cheek bones, his strong jaw, the corners of his mouth, his forehead and temple, anywhere I could reach.

"I'm glad too baby. I've missed you." Cam murmured.

I couldn't help but smile at his gruff voice whispering in my ear.

I wiggled to be let down and Cam obliged.

I looked over his 6'4 muscled to perfection body and tried not to let my mouth water.

I ran my hands down his neck, along his collar bones, down each pec, down his rib cage and over his ripped abdomen, and down to squeeze his hip bones.

"Are you hurt?" I asked frantically, continuing to run my hands across his body, looking for anything that wasn't there before.

I heard him sigh and chuckle at the same time as he looked down at me.

"I'm fine Chase. Just a few scratches here and there." He said.

"Don't lie to me. I'll kill anyone who hurt you. I promise baby." I said.

My hands went down his hip bones and Cam immediatelystopped me.

"Now that you mention it, I am a little hurt. Been hurting real bad since I left." Cam murmured huskily in my ear.

Another set of shivers ran through me and I plastered my body to his.

"Hurting huh? Why don't we go home and see if I can make you feel better?" I suggested.

I heard Cam emit a deep growl and I grinned suggestively.

Cam's hand clamped around mine and he started to pull me towards the door.

A huge figure was blocking the way so we couldn't get out.

"Now before you go and maul each other, I want my welcome home hug." Came Gage's deep voice.

He stepped out of the shadow and a huge smile spread across his face.

I squeaked and ran to hug him.

Gage is like my big brother and I worry about him almost as much as Cam when they're gone.

Gage squeezed me and spun me around in a circle.

"I'm glad you're okay." I said happily.

Gage set me on my feet and Cam was instantly there, his arms wrapping around me.

I curled into his body and took in a much needed breath.

Breath came much easier when Cam was home and safe with me.

"Thanks for looking after the big guy for me." I smiled.

Gage grinned and looked over Cam.

"He does the same for me." He grinned.

A moment of comfortable silence passed before Gage piped up.

"You guys taking off for the night." He said, more of a statement than a question.

It was my turn to grin as I squeezed myself closer to Cam's body.

"Yeah, we're both beat." Cam said.

"Mhmm. Chase you want me to lock up for you?" Gage asked.

"Gage, you're the best." I said, moving forward to hug him again.

"Remember that the next time I piss you off and you try to kick me in the balls." Gage laughed.

I smirked and handed over my keys to the doors in the bar.

I looked over my shoulder, having completely forgotten about Tammi.

"Shit. Gage, could you do me a huge favor and drive one of my waitresses home?" I asked, putting on my best puppy eyes.

"Yeah sure. Which one?" He asked.

"The strawberry blonde behind the bar. She's had a shitty night." I said.

Gage looked over at Tammi and he smirked.

"It would be my pleasure." He said, dragging out the word.

"No funny business." I warned, my eyebrow raised.

He gave me a salute and made his way towards Tammi.

I shook my head and giggled as Cam dragged me out of the bar.

We walked over to my red Ducati and I saddled up.

I pulled my bike upright and turned on the ignition, reviving it up a bit.

I looked over at Cam and saw a hungry look on his face.

I smirked and held out a helmet to him.

"Looking for a ride Army boy?" I asked.

Cam grinned and grabbed the helmet, climbing on behind me.

One of the things I love most about Cam is the fact he doesn't let his macho, manly side over rule his pride.

Well, sometimes anyway.

He saddled on behind me and we took off.

His arms we're wrapped tightly around my waist, securing me to his body.

He placed a kiss on the inside of my neck and I sighed.

I felt warmth fill me and the only one thought running through my mind.

'Man am I glad he's home.'
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Thoughts and comments please :)