Right Here Waiting

: Love Drunk :

Chase's POV

The day was going great.

It was beautiful outside.

Everyone is laughing and smiling.


My heart warmed at the sight of the people I loved most in this world, all together.

My brother Charlie stood up.

"Who's ready for football?" He announced, clapping his hands.

I grinned.

A Reynold's family football game always occurs whenever we all get together.

And it's always so much fun.

My brothers and my dad are super competitive.

And when Cam is involved, it gets even more intense.

A game of simple touch football, turns into an all out testosterone filled game of tackle football.

The guys always show off their battle scars afterwards.

It's pretty hilarious to be honest.

My mom is always the referee because my brothers tend to cheat if they think their losing.

No one has the guts to question a call my mom makes.

Thats even more hilarious.

Almost all of my brothers tower over my mother, but she can make them cower and get nervous.

It always cracks me up.

"Alright let's make the teams. We've got Dad, Charlie, me, Channing, Chazz, Chance, Cam and Little Bit." Chad said.

I punched him in the arm and he groaned.

"I hate when you call me Little Bit." I said.

He laughed and that started up my brothers.

"We've got an even eight. Four a team. Who are the captains?" Channing asked.

I heard a high pitched 'Hello' come from somewhere in the house.

I turned around quickly.

"Who the hell is in the house?" I asked everyone.

Everyone looked over to Chance who had turned beat red.

My eyes widened.

"Chance, who is that?" I asked.

"That's his girlfriend!" Chazz laughed, slapping him on the back.

Chance only turned redder and wouldn't look at me.

"Since when?" I asked.

"A few months." He said quietly.

I could've chocked.

Me and Chance are super close.

And in all of the times we've talked since now, he'd never once mentioned a girlfriend.

Not once.

"Hmm. A few months, huh." I said, trying not to sound hurt.

Cam came and wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my forehead.

"Chase I was gonna tel---," He tried to explain.

"Let's meet her." I grinned widely, a hint of menace in my smile.

Chance gulped and even my brothers didn't have anything to say.

I turned towards the door that led into the house.

"Back here!" I yelled loudly.

I heard the click of high heels on the linoleum and I already knew I wasn't gonna like her.

I saw bare legs appear before the rest of her.

"Jesus is she naked?" Chad exclaimed.

Chance smacked him and ran over the the petite blonde, that had legs a mile long.

She grinned and wrapped her arms around Chance's neck and squealed.


Here we go.

Cam's POV

I was trying so hard not to laugh because I knew Chase would flip the fuck out.

But its just too much.

Chance's girlfriend could not be more of a bimbo.

She's blonde, with a mini skirt that was small enough to be confused as a belt, and a halter top that left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Needless to say, Chase doesn't like her.

She's too girly, too clingy, and she's been hanging around me too much for either of our liking.

"Chancey, how many calories are in this hot dog bun, do you think?" She asked in a high pitched voice.

All eyes shot over to her and the guys tried coughing to cover up their laughter.

Even Chandi had a hand over her mouth to hide a smile.

"If you would've played football with us, you wouldn't have had to worry about calories. You would've worked it all off." Chase said.

Terry, Chase's girlfriend, had her mouth wide open and was looking at Chase in shock.

Like she'd just swore at her or something.

"Don't you worry about calories? I mean, do you think you could keep a guy like him," She nodded at me, a smile on her lips and eyes that lingered too long, "if you let yourself go?" Terry asked, her voice holding a condescending tone.

Chase's eyes widened in shock and she flew up before I could catch her.

"You don't know a thing about my relationship! So you keep your fucking mouth shut you stupid bit---," I put my hand over her mouth and pulled her away from the table.

Channing was laughing along with Chad and Charlie, Chazz and Chandi came with me as I led a fuming Chase inside.

I could feel her shaking in anger and I wrapped her in my arms, trying to slow her breathing down.

"Honey, what's gotten in to you? Since when do you let someone like that get you all riled up?" Chandi asked.

"Yeah. Dude you handle drunks all the time and you keep your cool. You never fly off the handle. What's up?" Chazz asked, nudging her shoulder.

Chase didn't say anything, just buried her face in my chest.

"Is this because he didn't tell you about her until she showed up here?" Charlie asked.

She nodded after a minute.

"Come on Chase. Don't take that personal. He's just a little love sick puppy right now. Completely love drunk and stupid. I'm positive he's gonna tell you everything about her once she leaves." Charlie said.

"Yeah Little Bit. You're Chase's best friend. And as pathetic as that sounds, he turns to you for everything. He's gonna talk to you." Chazz said.

She slowly pulled her head out of my chest and I rubbed her back soothingly.

She sighed and nodded again.

"Fine. But if she calls him Chancey one more time I swear its gonna turn into a boxing match in the living room." She said.

I grinned.

That's my girl.

Everyone started laughing and Chandi hugged her daughter.

"Oh kid. What am I gonna do with you?" She laughed.

"Hug me til I pass out?" Chase suggested.

I chuckled and watched as Chase held onto her mother for dear life.

It was a few minutes later before we made our way back to everyone outside.

It had already grown dark and everyone started cleaning up.

I made sure to stick by Chase's side.

Terry was in close proximity and I didn't want to risk anything happening.

We all decided to watch a movie.

House of 1,000 Corpses won the poll.

Chase and everyone else were ready to walk out about half way through the movie.

Terry kept screaming and throwing herself into Chance's arms.

The way he protected her was by eating her face the whole movie.

Including sound effects like slurping, smacking lips and Terry's little moans.

It was nauseating to say the least.

And Chase's patience was growing thin.

I sat there wondering if when me and Chase first got together, if we were like that.

All over each other, always wanting to touch and be close.

But our circumstances are insanely different.

I'm a Ranger.

I can be called away at a moments notice.

So making the most of our time together is what we do.

It was a quiet drive home.

I looked over at Chase and she was staring out the window.

"Babe, what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" I asked.

She didn't answer me.

I reached across the console and grabbed her hand.

Now that caught her attention.

She looked up at me.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

I smiled softly and lifted her hand to my lips, kissing across her knuckles.

"What's wrong?" I asked again.

"It's dumb." She said after a minute.

"You've been thinking about it for a while. I'm sure it's not stupid." I told her.

She turned and looked at me.

"Would you love me if I gained thirty pounds?" She asked.

My eyebrows bunched in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"Would you love me if I gained thirty pounds? Or if my face was badly scarred? If I chopped off all my hair?" She asked.

Her voice had a hint of hysteria.

Where the hell did this come from?

I thought back to what Terry said.

What a dumbass.

I pulled the car over and turned so I was facing Chase.

I grabbed her hand and pulled until she came closer so I could settle her in my lap.

I rested my hands on her thighs and looked into her eyes.

"You're beautiful Chase. I've told you that millions of times. And it's not just because you have a gorgeous face and a killer body. It's because you have the biggest heart and you are the most caring person I've ever met. You always think of others before yourself. That's why I love you. Because of who you are. We've been together more than three years and I'm still love drunk. Your love absolutely intoxicates me and brings me the most joy I could've ever hoped for." I told her.

A smile made it's way across her face and she leaned forward so she could kiss me.

I grinned and pulled her right against me as her lips teased mine.

"Do your Ranger buddies know you are such a sweet heart?" She asked with a grin.

I laughed and kissed her again.

"Only for you Chase. Only ever for you." I told her.

"You bet your sweet ass only for me. I'm not a sharer. Never have been." She said.

I grinned.

Man this woman drives me insane.

And I fucking love it.
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