The Good That Won't Come Out

Some Things Are Meant to Be

A lovely girl sat at the table, aimlessly playing with her long ruby hair. Across from her sat a young man, talking and apparently not noticing his audience wasn't listening.

"And I told him that his numbers were too far off"

Hailey had grown tired of her mundane existence. Her life consisted of fancy meals, operas, and looking pretty for pictures. She had gone to college, UC Berkley in fact, but as the daughter of a prominent English Cabinet member, her days were spent making the family look good at social occasions. Bitterness swept over her whenever she thought of her wasted English degree she had just finished.

"Hailes, what do you think?"

"I'm sorry, James, what were you saying?"

"Do you ever listen to me?" he grumbled.

"I'm sorry, love, my mind was elsewhere."

"I was asking you if you wanted to accompany me on my business trip to Los Angeles?"

"Oh! Yes, I would enjoy that!"

"Lovely, we will be leaving on Thursday morning and staying until Sunday."

"Right. Well, I've got to run, or I'll be late to my ballet class."

"You and ballet, are you ever going to give up on that?" he said with an easy smile.

"I just enjoy it," she smiled.

James paid the bill and they got up. He drove her to her dance studio and dropped her off. She gave him a kiss before sliding out the door. She entered the building and was intercepted by a giggling blonde.

"Hailey, you are so lucky. James Wilksford, god, he's so bloody hot!"

Hailey thought of James. Tall and masculine, he was extremely handsome with brown hair, piercing blue eyes, a strong jaw and a charismatic smile. James was destined for a successful career in politics. They had been together for 5 years, since they were 16, now, they were 21. Their parents had groomed them for each other since they were little. All the school balls, family outings, big and small occasions had been with James. She knew nothing and no one else.
"So, when are you getting married?"

Hailey smiled weakly, "Not ready to get married, Emily."

"But, Hai, you two have been together forever!"

Hailey ignored the question and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She pulled her deep red hair into a tight bun and secured it with pins. Hailey was beautiful, an average height, thin, yet curvy. Her blue eyes were mischevious, bright and intense against her creamy skin. She reached down and tied the ribbons on her toe shoes.


"Not discussing it," she finished, walked into the classroom, and began to stretch.

As James entered his flat, his cell phone began to ring.


"James, is she going?"

"Yes mum, Hailey's going."

"Excellent! So, are you coming to get Grammy's ring?"

"Yes mum."

"Oh, I'm so excited for you!"

"Yah, well, I've got to go mum."

"All right darling, see you soon."
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K! Comments puhlease.