The Good That Won't Come Out

Nothing Is As It Seems

The goodbyes were hard as Hailey and Patrick stood at the airport. Hailey clung to him. Neither of them wanted to separate, and Patrick practically had to peel her off of him.

"Don't go!" she cried.

"Come with me."

"This sucks!"

"Hailes, I've got to go. I'll call you every day. It will go by quickly, you'll see."

"I love you," she said, sniffing. He wiped some tears off of her cheeks. "I'm losing you and I just got you back."

"Oh, you aren't losing me. I love you too. I've got to go honey."

He kissed her and disappeared through the gateway. Hailey collapsed into a chair and began to cry. She regained her composure and went back home.

The first week was terrible again. Hailey and Patrick talked everyday, he called her after every show. She cried every time that they hung up. She avoided everyone again, staying at home, watching movies, sleeping, playing on the computer. One afternoon, she was expecting Patrick's call, but it hadn't come yet. The phone rang and she picked it up anxiously.


"Darling, there is a dinner we need you to attend tonight. I'm outside, we need to go get you a dress."

"Yes, mum." Hailey sighed, getting up and grabbing her bag. The driver opened the door and she joined her mother in the back seat.

"So, is that boy gone?" she asked.

"Yes, mum, Patrick left a week ago. But we're still together. Why can't you get that I love him?"

"Why couldn't you just stay with James."

"Because, I don't love James that way. He is my best friend. But, I can't even imagine being his wife. I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to mum."

"I give you a year and you and James will be married."

The car came to a stop out of the boutique and Hailey jumped quickly out of the car. She ignored her mother's rude comments. Her mother immediately began ordering the salesperson around. Brightly colored dresses began flying. When there was a pink dress brought out, Hailey put her foot down.

"Black, nothing else," she ordered.

"But, Hailey," her mother cried.

"Don't but Hailey me, I'm doing this my way. Black, dark blue, or green, And not pastel green."
As usual, her mother backed down right away. Hailey left with a beautiful simple black dress. She began to get ready later that evening. She pulled her hair up into a twist and put on her make-up, then she slipped into the dress, shoes, and a pair of elbow length black gloves. She looked gorgeous. Just as she finished, the limo pulled up. She grabbed her clutch, locked her door and joined her parents. They pulled up and got out. Standing in front of the door was James and his parents. Alarm bells began to go off as she looked at her mother's smug expression. As they approached the building, James gave her a half-grin and offered his arm. She took it and they entered the building, Quickly, they lost their parents and began to talk.

"What's wrong?" she asked him.

"Natalie left. She broke up with me."

"James, I'm so sorry!"

"Well, I saw it coming. She couldn't forgive me for not leaving you in the beginning."

"Do you want to dance?"

James took her hand and led her onto the dance floor. She rested her head on his shoulder. She wanted to go call Patrick, she looked up at James to excuse herself and found herself in a kiss. James' lips crashed onto hers and she quickly backed away.

"James! What are you doing?" she cried.

"Hailey, I love you. Natalie didn't leave, I broke up with her. I've realized that I really do love you."

James Michael Wilksford, I'm sorry, but I don't love you that way.

He grabbed her hand tightly.

"Yes you do."

"I'm not doing this here."

"Fine, let's take this outside."

They went outside to the fountain. Hailey sat down and buried her face in her hands.

"Hailey, you made me believe that you loved me."

"I thought I did. I'm sorry. I've never been anything but honest with you. I do love you, but not in the same way that you love me."

"Hailey, let me try, give me a chance."

"James, I love Patrick. I want to be with him. James, I'm leaving." She stormed back into the building leaving James outside. She sat at her parents table by herself. One of the other cabinet member's daughter, Ella, sat next to her.

"So, you and James are back together?" she asked curiously.

"No, my boyfriend is in the States at the moment. His new album just released, so he's pretty busy?"

"Really? It looked like you two were together?"

"Again, no. My boyfriend is Patrick, and only Patrick. There is nothing between James and me," Hailey hissed angrily.

Ella gave her a knowing smile and stood up to leave. But not before, she leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You don't have to lie, Patrick isn't here, and James is."

Hailey shook her head as the girl left. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Patrick's number. It went straight to voicemail.

"Hey, it's Patrick, you know what to do."

"Hi Patrick, I miss you. Please call me."

She was concerned because Patrick always answered his phone. She kept telling herself that he was just still playing. Silently, she sat at the table, sipping a glass of champagne when her parents came and joined her.

"You and James looked pretty cozy," her mother purred.

"Mum, what are you up to?" she replied, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, nothing darling."

Hailey ate her dinner, took pictures and went home. She tried calling Patrick again, but still, there was no answer. She showered and got ready for bed. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she allowed herself to cry for a moment. Then, she went to bed, exhausted and lonely.
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