The Good That Won't Come Out

Nightmares Revealed

She was awoken by the phone the next morning. She lunged at the phone.


"No, it's James, we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you."

"This is important, I'm outside your door, come let me in."

Hailey rolled out of bed and opened her door. James was standing there, with a newspaper in front of him. Hailey's mouth dropped open.

"No!!!" she cried. She grabbed his hand and yanked him in the flat. She grabbed the paper from his hand, horrified
The paper read: Hailey Andrews and James Wilksford: Together Again!? Prominent Cabinet member, John Andrew's only daughter and on again off again beau James Wilksford were seen together at the Hillsly Charity dinner last night in London. The couple evidently had parted ways a little over 2 month ago, both beginning to date Americans. However, rumor has it that James broke up with his girlfriend, Natalie Price. Hailey's boyfriend, Patrick Stump, singer/guitarist for the popular rock band, Fall Out Boy, is in the U.S. touring for his new album. When the cat's away, the mouse will play! The golden couple was seen looking rather cozy last night. They were cuddling and kissing like old times. An unnamed source says that the couple is moving forward with their relationship, leaving the Americans behind. What does the future hold for these sexy socialites? We'll keep you updated."

Hailey's eyes filled with tears. She stared wide-eyed at the picture of James kissing her on the dance floor, and him holding her hands out by the fountain.

"Hailes, I swear I had nothing to do with this," he cried desperately.

"I know," she mumbled, flopping onto the couch. "James, what if Patrick sees this?"

"Tell him the truth, the blame is all on me."

Hailey grabbed her phone and dialed Patrick's number. His voicemail picked up again, and again, she left a desperate message.

"James, leave."

He nodded and left. Hailey buried her face in her hands and cried. She knew that something was wrong, yet she wasn't sure what. She needed Patrick.

The next day, there was another article, this one with pictures of James entering and leaving her flat. There was still no answer from Patrick. The day after that, there was another article, this time with old pictures of her and James, not that the public would realize it. Patrick's phone went straight to voicemail.


"Daddy, I'm going to the States to see Patrick."

"Hailey, do you really think that's a good idea?"

"Yes! I need to get away from this."

"Maybe you should stay and try to work things out with James."

There was a moment of silence on the line.

"You and mum did this didnt you? That's how they got the old pictures."

"Darling, no. We just want the best for you."

"I don't know if I'm coming back."

"You promised, Hailey," he said gruffly.

"You promised you would let me be with Patrick. You gave us your blessing," she retorted. "Now, you and mum are trying to come between us. These tabloids are too much! I'm going."

"Be careful, bunny."

Hailey frowned and hung up the phone. She packed a bag and got on her laptop. She found that Patrick was playing a show in Chicago, so she bought a ticket to O'Hare and an overpriced concert ticket on E-Bay.
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