The Good That Won't Come Out

It's A New Dawn, A New Day

Hailey dropped her keys in the bowl by the door as she walked in. She went to the fridge and pulled out a soda then checked her messages.

"BEEP: Hailes, it's Lauren, calling to see if you wanted to go out for cocktails tonight. Call me!"

She called her friend back and made arrangements. Things were going as well as they could be. Hailey had gotten the job as an editor and fit in easily. She had made some friends and actually had a social life. She had cancelled her London cell number and gotten a Chicago number. She thought of Patrick often, but he was becoming a memory in the back of her mind. She hadn't gone out on a date since she moved there, but that was by choice. She found a dance studio and started up with her dance again: ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and contemporary. It was something where she could express her feelings.

She went into the bedroom and started to get ready for dinner and drinks with Lauren. She pulled a brush through her ruby hair, which was now cut just a few inches below her shoulders. She put on an emerald green blouse and black pants. She did her make-up and put on her shoes, then she went and jumped into her car and drove to the restaurant.
A pretty brunette with warm brown eyes met her at the door.

"Hailes!" she cried, throwing her arms around her.

"Hello, Lauren. Shall we go inside?"

They went inside and ordered drinks at the bar, chattering about work, and Lauren complaining about her ex. A guy walked by them and did a double take.

"Hailey? Hailey Andrews?"

Hailey turned around and her stomach lurched.

"Pete! Hi!"

He smiled widely and gave her a friendly hug.

"What the hell are you doing in Chicago? It's been like, what, a year?" he cried.

Hailey gave him a nervous smile and looked to Lauren for support. She gave her a strange look. Hailey's heart pounded. Her last experience with Pete had not been good. She had been trying to forget.

"I moved here," Hailey replied quietly.

"No shit, how long ago?"

"I never went back."

He stopped and gave her a serious look.


"Yah. So, how are you?"

"Oh, great! Things are going great! The album is multi-platinum, started my own clothing line and record label. I never thought things would get this crazy."

"I knew," she said with a soft smile. "Well, Pete, it was great seeing you. I'm going to get back to my friend here."

"Ahh, we really need to catch up. Let me get your number."

"Pete, it would be too hard," she answered looking at the floor.


"I just can't, I'm sorry."

He frowned and gave her an awkward hug.

"Well, ok. Here's my number, in case you change your mind."

She smiled weakly and took the paper that Pete scratched a number on. As he walked away, Lauren gawked at Hailey.

"Pete Wentz? You're frikin kiddin me! Is that your ex that you don't want to talk about?"

"No," Hailey replied quietly.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

Hailey toyed with the paper as Lauren walked away. She crumpled it up and dropped it into her empty glass. Then, she ordered another drink. Lauren returned with a huge smile on her face.

"So, are you going to tell me what that was all about?" she asked.

"I really don't want to talk about it," she grumbled.

"I'm your best friend, Hai, you can tell me."

"Lauren, please, I'll tell you when I'm ready. It's just too hard.

"Fine!" Lauren cried, exasperated, "Just give me one thing, are you still in love with him?"

Hailey sputtered into her drink.

"Just one little thing? I love him, yes. That isn't something that just goes away. If you must know."

"Oh, Hailey, you know I love you!"

"Then buy me another drink, let me get hammered, and drive me home."

"You got it!"

Lauren ended up driving a stone drunk Hailey and helping her back into her apartment. Lauren helped her to her bed.

"Lauren...I miss him," Hailey slurred drunkenly.

"I know, honey. Are you going to be ok?"

"Yah, I'll live," she groaned, rolling over.

"I'll call you in the morning, ok?"

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