The Good That Won't Come Out

Lost Cause

The next morning, Hailey's phone rang. She groaned as she grabbed her cell, head pounding, still feeling naseous.


"Hey you, how are you feeling?" Lauren asked.

"Like road kill."

"Yah, babe, you put away the tequila last night."

"Uhhhh, don't remind me!"

"So, there's this new club opening tonight, do you want to go?"

"Two nights in a row? Come on Lauren?"

"It's the weekend. Come on Hai" she whined.


"Great! I'll pick you up around 10."

Hailey hung up the phone and rolled out of bed. She took a shower and threw on jeans and a hoodie. Wandering downstairs, she made her way to the Starbucks around the corner. She ordered her coffee and bummed a cigarette off of a girl smoking outside. She sat out trying to get rid of her alcohol induced haze. Her phone rang and she answered.


"Hailey, it's Pete, don't hang up!"

Hailey took a drag of her cigarette.

"How did you get this number?" she asked slowly.

"Lauren gave it to me. I'm sorry. How have you been?"

"Pete, we're not even friends anymore. Why are you calling me?"

"Come on, how are you?" he begged.

"I'm ok, Pete. I've got a good job, nice place. I've made some good friends."

"I was just wondering. I was surprised to find out you were in Chicago. You know, we played a show in London and tried to find you. But, someone else was in your place."

"I've never gone back."

"Really, why?"

"Pete, I don't really feel I should be discussing this with you."

"Come on, we're friends."

"We used to be friends," she stressed once again. "I told you, I'm done with this whole situation, I have been for awhile now. I don't want to talk to you, Pete."

"Then why are you still talking to me?"

"Good point, why am I?"

"Don't hang up, cuz I'll just keep calling!" Pete cried desperately.


"Why didn't you go back?"

Hailey shook her head at his persistance. Same old Pete. If only he had been this persistant when Patrick had ended things.

"I didn't go back because there is nothing there for me."

"Oh. Hailey, do you want to meet for dinner?"

"No, Pete. Just let me move on with my life. I all ready have."

With that, she hung up the phone. It rang again, and she didn't answer. Hailey just shook her head and went back to her apartment. She pulled out a pile of work and started editing a story. She lost track of time and before she knew it, Lauren was knocking at the door. Hailey looked at the clock, she was early.
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Hullo! Another update here!!! Trying to be speedy!