The Good That Won't Come Out

Here Comes Trouble

Hailey hid in her apartment on Sunday. She didn't leave or answer the phone. Lauren tried calling a few times. Also, her friend Matt called and Mia. She just the let machine get it. It was days like this that made Hailey miss London and all her old friends and family. She never regretted moving, but it still wasn't easy. Her parents tried contacting her occasionally. Her father had gotten reelected without her and James had gotten married. Life had moved on.

She ordered some Chinese take-out and bundled up in a blanket. When her doorbell rang, she reluctantly put down her lemon chicken and went to the door. She peeked through the peephole and saw a deliveryman holding flowers. Her heart began to race. She opened the door and signed for it. Setting the vase on the table, she looked for a card. She smiled slightly at the beautiful roses. There were two dozen roses, white with red tips, fire and ice, her favorite. She found the card and opened it.

"Dear Hailey, I hope these make you smile after last night. I feel terrible about putting you in that situation. I hope you can forgive me. I promise I'll make it up to you. Call me. Sincerely, Pete

Hailey's face fell. She mentally kicked herself for thinking they could have been from Patrick. She picked up her cell phone and found Pete's number in the received calls.


"Hey Hailes. How are you doing?"

"Thanks for the flowers, they are beautiful."

"Hey, beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl."

"Pete, you're not trying to woo me, are you?" she drawled sarcastically.

"Is it working?"

"Yes, but…"

"I know, I know, you're in love with Patrick. He's a shit-head you know?"

Hailey laughed.

"Yah, I know Pete."

"No Hailes, I'm not trying to woo you. I just want to be friends again. And, I want to help you get Patrick back."

"But, what about Savannah?"

"What about James?"

"Point made."

"Look, I wrestled some info out of Patrick last night. He still has feelings for you, Hailey."

She froze and was silent.



"If we start hanging out, he'll get jealous, and if you're around, he won't be able to stand it. But, you have to take a chance."

"The friend zone."

"You got it. Don't ever get comfortable around him, or he'll think you're ok with him being with Savannah. You're going to have to be a bitch to her, you know."

"Pete, why are you doing all this?"

"Because you two are a great couple and I can't stand Savannah, she's super annoying and complains all the time."

"Ok, Pete."

"Look, I'm going out to dinner with Patrick and Savannah tonight. It was supposed to be a double date, but I'll bring you instead. Are you really ready for this?" he asked slyly.

"Will it get me Patrick?"

"It could."

"Then I'll take that chance."

"Right on. I'll pick you up at 7."

"Ok, bye Pete."

"Bye Hailey."

Hailey looked at the clock, it read 5:00. So, she jumped in the shower and washed her hair with the shampoo that Patrick loved, she also spread his favorite coconut scented lotion all over her body. She did her make-up carefully, applying eyeliner in cat-eye fashion to make her blue eyes look huge. She hemmed and hawed over her closet trying to figure out what to wear. Poking through her clothes in her underwear, she heard the doorbell ring. She looked at the clock and it said 7:02. Quickly sliding on a robe, she ran to the door and flung it open.

"Pete, since when are you on time?"

He smirked and walked inside.

"Since when is a girl ever ready on time? I thought you might need some help."

"God bless you, Pete."

She led him to her closet and he started the project of digging through.

"Come on, you're a dancer, where's the skirts?" He turned and faced her, "We're going to restaurant with salsa dancing.

He found a shortish black skirt, a shimmery blue sapphire spaghetti strapped tank with a low v back and a pair of strappy black heels.

"Lucky for you, I know how to dance."

"Pete, I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this."

"Don't!" he said with wicked grin, "I'll take all the blame."
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New readers, new comments! My socks are being rocked here people! thank you!!!!!!!