The Good That Won't Come Out

Danger Will Robinson!

Pete held his arm out to her as they got ready to enter the restaurant. She looped her arm through his and gave him a brilliant smile. They entered the restaurant, and were lead to a table where Patrick and Savannah were sitting. Savannah looked horrified while Patrick just looked confused.

"Hey!" Pete said. "My date cancelled on me, so I brought Hailey."

"Um, ok," Patrick stammered.

Hailey sat down between Pete and Patrick. She put her arms around a shocked Patrick.

"It's good to see you. Savannah, nice to finally meet you."

"Yah," she said suspiciously.

Hailey and Pete made up most of the conversation. Patrick would smile awkwardly and Savannah would sit with a scowl on her face. Finally, she found her voice and aimed it carefully.

"You two make a really cute couple," she sneered, "Are you going to keep this one around, Pete."

Hailey and Pete looked at each other and burst out into laughter.

"We're not together," they snickered in unison. Hailey looked straight at Patrick, "Pete is just a good friend."

"Yah, and someone else has already laid claim on her," Pete quipped. He turned to Hailey, "Dance with me?"

"Of course."

All those years of dance paid off, and Pete was a surprisingly good dancer. Things were getting steamy and they actually almost kissed. That was where Hailey stopped.

"Pete, this is getting a little too comfortable."

He ran his hand down her back and looked into her eyes. "

You know, we could make a pretty hot couple."
"Yeah, I know. But, we'd both regret it. We'd probably kill each other too. Well, at least I'd kill you."

Pete cracked a grin, "I know."

Pete went back to the table and Hailey went to the bathroom. When she came out, Patrick was standing there, leaning against the wall. He gave her a weak smile.

"So, do you like him?" he asked.

Hailey moved extremely close to Patrick. He thought that she'd be able to see his heart pounding through his shirt.

"Like I said, we're just friends," she said, eyebrows cocked.

"Look, I really owe you an apology."

"Patrick, I don't want to do this here."

"No, I was an ass to you last night. I'm sorry."

Her heart fell.

"It's ok. It was the first time we've seen each other since..."

She paused for a moment, then lifted her hand and touched his face. He stared into her eyes. She tried to convey through her eyes how much she loved him.

"I better get back," she whispered, leaving Patrick standing there.

She sat down next to Pete. Savannah gave her a dirty look.

"Why are you here?" she snarled. "Patrick is with me, he doesn't want you. You broke his heart you cheating whore."

Pete opened his mouth to say something.

"No, Pete, let me handle this. Look, Savannah, I live in Chicago and have for a long time now. I know Patrick is with you. But, you know nothing about me. How dare you judge me! I never once judged you. You need to get used to it, because I'm here to stay and Pete is one of my best friends. So, get over it."

"You're right, I don't know you, and I don't want to. All I know is I want you to leave Patrick and me alone!"

Patrick had since come up behind her and heard the whole conversation. He put a hand on Savannah's shoulder.

"Let's go," he ordered.

Savannah looked like she had been caught and Patrick, well, he looked pissed. They took off and Pete turned to her.

"Did you two have a good moment?"

"I don't know," she said, "take me home, Pete. I don't know how much of this I can take."
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Hullos! Here is another update. Thanks everyone, for all the love!