The Good That Won't Come Out

No More Masks

Lauren, Pete, and Patrick settled into their seats in the theatre. Pete looked at the program.

"She is in how many numbers?" he asked.

"Lots, I think 6 or 7. She came back from LA and threw herself into work and dance," Lauren said.

The lights went dark and the curtain went up. Hailey was in the first number, a hip-hop piece. It was definitely a different side of her. You could tell she was having fun even though she wasn't one of the girls with cheesy expressions. When she did the contemporary piece, her expression was passionate. Even in the strict ballet, her emotion was evident. They laughed when she performed to Dance Dance for her jazz piece. The final piece was her contemporary duet with Ben. They danced to "I'll Never Get Over You" by Colin Hay. They watched Hailey dance with him. You could see the tears, wet on her face. It was effortless, graceful, and moving. When she danced, you couldn't tear your eyes from her. When the number ended, Pete looked at Lauren.

"Are you crying?" he whispered.

She sniffed and wiped her eyes with her fingers.

"She's beautiful," Patrick remarked.

"She choreographed this. It's just so sad, if you know the meaning behind it."

"I think it's safe to say the meaning's obvious," Pete said, looking at Patrick. Patrick nodded and put his face in his hands. The show ended and the trio went out to the lobby to wait for her. She came out in some warmups.

"Hey clown!" Pete quipped.

"Shut-up boy who wears eyeliner," she laughed throwing her arms around Pete and Lauren.
She looked up to see Patrick standing behind them. "Hi!" she said with a wide smile.

Patrick nearly fainted when she gave him a hug.

"Are you up for cocktails?" Lauren asked.

"Give me a few, but maybe just some coffee. I'll be right back."

Hailey walked away satisfied. She had seen Patrick and felt just fine. She ran back to the dressing room where Ben was waiting for her.

"Hey, do you want to go get some dinner."

Hailey grimaced, "I just said I'd go out with Lauren, Pete, and Patrick. Plus, the two guys are only here for the weekend."

Ben looked disappointed.

"Ok, but I get you as soon as they leave," he demanded, giving her a kiss.

"Of course."


Patrick felt positively ill with Hailey sitting next to him. She was so beautiful. Her face was shiny and clean from having washed the stage make-up off. And, her hair was soft and wavy after having been released from the bun. He watched her as she smiled and laughed.

"She seems so happy," he thought to himself.

"Huh, what?" he said coming out of his reverie.

"You're quiet tonight. I asked where Savannah was," Hailey asked.

Pete gave Patrick a knowing look.

"She's at home."


"They..." Pete began.

"Shut up, Pete," Patrick barked.

Hailey shrugged it off and turned to Lauren.

"Bathroom?" she asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back sweetie," Lauren said as the girls excused themselves.

They watched the girls retreat and Pete turned to Patrick.

"Why didn't you tell her that you broke up with Savannah?" he cried.

"Why should I? She's over it, Pete. I can tell by the way she is around me. She's happy and kidding around. There's not even a hint of nervous energy. Before, I could tell she still cared about me. Now, I can tell she doesn't."

Pete shook his head irritably.

"Idiot, you love her don't you?"

"Of course," Patrick replied sadly.

"Then fight for her! Don't let that tight wearing fairy boy take your place!"

"Just drop it Pete."

"He broke up with Savannah, didn't he?" Hailey asked as she watched Lauren touch up her make-up.

"Yes, he did right after we left LA."

Hailey nodded.

"You seem to be fine around him," Lauren probed.

"You know, I am. I'm over it. It's easier being in the friend zone."

"Is that what you want?"

Hailey bit her lip as she thought.

"Yes, I think I can handle it now."
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oohh. sorry it's taking me forever to update! Luv ya all!