The Good That Won't Come Out

We Can Dance If You Want To

Hailey gulped as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her beautiful red hair was temporarily dyed black and the make-up was really dramatic and doll-like. She wriggled into the black corset and tutu, then walked onto the set. She had gotten there super early to learn all the choreography. She approached Patrick who was looking into a screen, hand on his chin. She noticed how cute he was in his engineers cap and black framed glasses.

"Where do you need me?" she asked the director.

Patrick looked up from the tv and surveyed Hailey. His heart began to thud in his chest. She was breathtaking.

"Well, just go over there where Pete is standing," the director said, pointing at Pete standing there with a black hoodie pulled over his head.

Hailey sauntered over to where he was standing. She was nervous about doing this, nervous about what her parents might say. She avoided Patrick's glances because they made her nervous.

"Hell yah!" Pete cried. "Seriously Hailey, you look really hot!"

Joe and Andy walked up behind them.

"Is this her?" Andy asked.

"Yup, this is Hailey. Hailey this is Joe and Andy."

They made polite introductions and Patrick walked over.

"You look really good," he said shyly.

"Thanks, just remember I dyed my hair black for you."

"Hey you spilled coffee on me and offered."

"Don't remind me," she said sarcastically. The director called them to places. Hailey looked around, she was supposed to be dancing with a partner. It was odd to her when all the guys walked off except for Pete. Eyebrow raised, she asked a simple question, "Who is partnering me?"

"Oh, the choreographer didn't tell you?" the director asked with an amused smirk. "You'll be dancing with the band."

"Oh," she said with a gulp as Pete put his hands on her waist.

"Surprise!" he laughed.

"Well, can we try this a couple of times before we roll? Because I've never done this with him."

"One practice with each guy," the director agreed on.

He called a playback and the music began to play. Hailey began to move to the music. When it came to the controlled pirouette, Pete couldn't stop her, his timing was off. So she stopped.

"Do you count when you play? You know, 4/4 time?"

"Uhh, no I'm not the musical genious, that's Patrick."

"Ok, when I turn, count one..two..three to the drum beat. When you hit three, grab my waist and stop me.

"Umm, ok."

They tried it again and Pete got it. She danced with Joe and Andy too. It was slightly awkward with Patrick standing there. But, not as awkward as it was when she had to dance with him. There was a lift with his part and she could tell by the look on his face, he was scared to death. She did her dance around him and stopped in an arabesque in front of him.

"Oh god," he said, putting his hands on her and moving them several times. "They made me do this with the last girl, but I couldn't do it then either."

"Come on, Patrick!" the director called out.

"Did I neglect to mention the last dancer sprained her ankle because I dropped her?"

"It's ok," Hailey whispered, giving him a reassuring smile. She took his hands and put one at her hipbone and the other her inner thigh. "Now, just bend your knees and when you straighten them, lift. Don't worry about hurting me."

Hailey felt him falter for a moment, but then, she began to lift awkwardly into the air. He lowered her. Then he did the simple lift. When the music played back, there was no awkwardness, and Hailey's gracefulness seemed to overwhelm Patrick. She danced with him like she would have with any other trained dancer. And when he lowered her and their faces were centimeters away, the feelings were evident.

Hailey danced her heart out until the director called a wrap. She began to head back to her trailer. Patrick caught up with her and walked alongside her.

"Hailey, you did an awesome job. You really saved my ass today," he said.

"It was really no problem, Patrick. It was a lot of fun."

They reached her trailer and they stopped at the stairs. Both of their hearts began to thud. Patrick gazed into her eyes and took a leap of faith. He grabbed her and kissed her. She kissed back and he almost stopped, surprised that she was returning it. Feeling even more courageous, he opened that door behind her. She scrambled up the stairs, pulling him by his t-shirt.


"Shut up," she whispered throatily, kissing his neck.

"No, I have to tell you something."

She stopped and looked at him. He began to melt under the heavy gaze of her blue eyes.

"Don't tell me, you have a girlfriend?" she said.

"No...why do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

Patrick took a step away.

"Look, Hai, I can't really explain this. But, if you've got a boyfriend, I can't do this. I really like you. Hell, I never believed in love at first sight until I met you. Fuck, it sounds so corny. If we do this, I'm going to end up hurting."

"Patrick, I feel the same way about you. When I'm around you, it's like you could persuade me to do anything. All I want is right now, with you."

"I'm going to regret this," he whispered. Then, he pushed her onto the bed and kissed her.
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see I told you I'd update fast!