The Good That Won't Come Out

I've Never Been Alone

The next morning, she woke up and James was gone. For the first time in 5 years, she was alone. She sat up and stretched, looking at her cell phone lying on the bedside table. It was screaming at her to call Patrick, but she wasn't sure if she was ready yet. It was harder than she had expected it to be. She got up and pulled on a pair of jeans and a black tank top with a black hoodie, pulling her unbrushed black hair into a messy bun. Hailey wandered downstairs and into the hotel restaurant. She had some tea and toast, but didn't much feel like eating. She paid her bill and pulled her hood over her head and went for a walk. She lost track of time and when she realized what time it was, had to run back to the hotel to check out.

As Hailey packed her things, she hoped that Patrick would call, but he didn't. So, she picked up the phone and it went to his voice mail. She tried a different number, the band's house, which was answered.

"House of insomnia, how may I help you?"

"Pete, it's Hailey."
"Hailes, what's wrong? You sound funny."

"Oh, I broke up with my boyfriend last night."

"What...wait? Boyfriend?"

"Yes, he went back to England this morning. Do you know where Patrick is? He wasn't picking up his phone."

"No, I'll give him a message though."

"Petey, can you come get me? I'm all alone."

"Miss Andrews, are you hitting on me?" he asked jokingly.

"Oh yes, Peter Wentz, take me" she said in a sarcastic tone. "Now, come get me!"

"I'm on my way."

Hailey tried Patrick's number again and again there was no answer. She left a message.

"Patrick, it's me. I miss you...Pete is coming to get me. Call me, ok?"

She was nervous, hanging up on Patrick yesterday may not have been the greatest idea. She worried that he didn't want to see her anymore. A tear dropped down Hailey's cheek. She heard a car horn and looked up. Pete was sitting in his car waving. Hailey dragged her suitcase to the car, and Pete got out to throw it in the trunk.

"Hailes, you look like shit."

"Coming from a guy who styles his hair with lotion" she pointed out. "Oh, and always wears hoodies with the hood over your head."

"Ok, you're allowed to look bad too."

She smacked him in the arm and got in the car. The stereo blasted on with some kind of rap. Hailey wrinkled her nose at him.

"What, you don't like hip-hop?" he asked.

"I like good hip-hop, not this."

He changed it to The Early November and Hailey smiled.

"Much better."

They drove back to a small house near the studio. Hailey followed Pete inside. Joe was in the kitchen making mac and cheese, and Andy was playing video games.

"Hey! Hailey!" Andy cried, "What's up?"

"Not much."

Pete dropped her suitcase and went into the kitchen. She sat on the couch next to Andy, waiting. Eventually, she fell asleep. When she woke up, no one was there. The only thing that was there was a note on the door scrawled in Pete's handwriting.

"Hailey, had to go meet with the label. I'll tell Patrick you're at the house. ~Pete."

Hailey went to her bag and pulled out a book. She curled back up on the couch. Finally, the guys came bursting through the door. She looked up to see Patrick standing over her. She was comforted by the smile on his face.

"Hey, you. Sorry, I left my phone here. It was dead and needed to charge. I went to your hotel, but you had already left. Come on, I'll show you to our room."

Hailey stood up and wrapped her arms around him. He pulled her close and kissed her sweetly. He led her to the bedroom.

"I cleaned out half the closet and drawers for you," he said proudly.

"How sweet of you," she replied absently. "Patrick, is this weird? I think I already love you."

Patrick looked at her.

"No, because I feel the same way."

"Are we being stupid?"

"Impetuous, maybe. Stupid, no"

Hailey kissed Patrick. It was like a movie, where the people fall in love easily and have a happy ending.
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