The Good That Won't Come Out

Sliding Down After An Uphill Battle

Hailey had been living with Patrick for about a month now. She had fallen madly and deeply in love with Patrick and he was the same. She had dealt with her mother freaking out over her ending things with James and staying in the US with "that boy." The couple had bickered a few times, but always made up, and enjoyed it highly. She watched him practice and play a few shows. Watching him on stage made her swell with pride. He truly was a musical genius, even if he wouldn't talk on stage. She loved it when he'd play his acoustic and sing to her. He was perfect for her. Everything seemed perfect until Hailey got a phone call.


"Hailey, darling, I have some bad news."

"What mum?"

"Your father had a heart attack."

"What, Daddy?"

Hailey's eyes filled with tears. She was a total Daddy's girl and had always been closest to him.

"He is in critical care, but he is stable. Would you like to know why?"

Hailey paused a moment.


"Oh, he ran into James and James' new girlfriend. James explained how you left him for some musician in California. Your father was so shocked, that he had a heart-attack."

"You're lying."

"No, I'm not. It's your fault, Hailey."

"No, it's not, mum. Why didn't you tell him?"

"I didn't want to break his heart. Why didn't you tell him?"

Hailey began to cry.

"Darling, is this boy really worth killing your father over? Hailey, who is most important to you? Your family or a boy you just met. I'm begging you, break it off and come home."

"Mum, why can't I just bring Patrick."

"Hailey, if you do not come home, alone, you will be cutting off all ties to your family. Your father and I will disown you. I'm serious."

"I love him."

"You barely know him. We're your family."

"I need to think."

"What's there to think about? You broke your father's heart, and your decision nearly killed him. You need to break Patrick's heart in order to save your father's."

"I want to talk to Daddy."

"He's right here."

There was a long pause, then her father came on the phone.

"Hailey, honey?"

"Daddy, are you ok?"

"I'll be fine. Hailey, I need you to come home."

"Yes, daddy."

"I love you, bunny."

"I love you too, Daddy."

Hailey hung up the phone and sat there. She was alone, the boys were at the recording studio. She was in a dilemma. It was Patrick or her family. Her family had always come first. She didn't want to leave Patrick, to hurt him, but she felt her mother had a point.

"She only wants the best for me," Hailey mumbled to herself. She sat on the bed in a daze, then she got up and got her suitcase. She was finished packing when Patrick came in. He looked at the suitcase in shock.

"Going somewhere?" he asked, leaning down to kiss her. Hailey stood up and slipped away from his reach. She blinked back tears and avoided his look. "Hailes, what's wrong?"

"Patrick, I'm leaving. I made a mistake. James loves me, and I love him."

Patrick's eyes widened.

What? You don't love him, you love me! We're in love."

Hailey turned away from him.

"You love me, but I don't love you. I never loved you."

"Why are you doing this?" Patrick asked, tears spilling onto his cheeks.

"It was just an experiment. I needed to make sure that I really loved James before I married him."

A taxi pulled up and honked. Hailey began to drag her suitcase to the door, biting her lower lip to keep from crying. The driver put her suitcase in the trunk and opened her door. Hailey began to slide in, but Patrick grabbed her hand. Hailey grimaced.

"Hailey! Look at me! You made me believe you loved me."

She tore her hand away from his and got in the car. Then, she looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Patrick," she whispered. Then, the car pulled away.

"Hailey!" he screamed.

The second she was out view, she began to sob. Her heart was broken. She knew deep down it was wrong. The two of them apart was wrong.

Patrick stood in shock as the car pulled away and disappeared into traffic. He walked into the house in a daze.

"What's going on?" Pete asked, looking up from his video game.

"She left me," he murmured walking towards his room.
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I know, I know! I have an obsession with drama. Thanks for all the comments guys!!!!