The Good That Won't Come Out

Hermitude At Its Finest

A week later, Patrick was still not getting out of his bed. He was beginning to grow a beard and lose weight. Pete went in and sat in a chair by his bed. Patrick stared ahead in the dark.

"Patrick, you've got to get out of bed."

"Why? I just don't care."

"Something's wrong. I just know it."

"I know something's wrong, she fooled me and I believed her."

"No," Pete said, shaking his head, "She loves you. I can tell just by the way she looks at you."

"Go away."

"I'm telling you, remember when you told me you couldn't breathe without her?"

"It doesn't matter anymore," Patrick growled.

"Patrick, don't give up. You two are perfect for each other."

"Get out!" he yelling, causing Pete to jump. "Go away!"

Pete got up and walked to the door, "she loves you." Patrick looked away as Pete left the room. Patrick felt plastic, less than human. He thought he had been heart-broken before, but it was nothing like this. Little did he know, Hailey was doing the same thing he was.
Her mother sat in the chair looking at her curled up on the couch under a fluffy comforter surrounded with tissues.

"Hailey, it was just infatuation. You did the right thing."

"Go away mum."


"Don't darling me! I just broke the heart of the man I love."

"There will be more men."

Hailey glared at her mother.

"I don't want another man, I want Patrick. Just so you know, you'll never be a grandmother."

"Oh, Hailey, stop being so melodramatic."

"Mark my words, mum. There will never be another man for me. Now get out."

Her mother knew when she couldn't win the battle, so she got up to leave, but had some parting words for Hailey.

"You did the right thing for Daddy."

"I always do the right thing for the family, you depend on that. Now, shut up and get out!" she screamed.
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Thaaks for reading and commenting guys! muah!