The Good That Won't Come Out

An Old Flame

She knocked on the door and it was opened by a beautiful blonde. The girl glared at her.

"Is James here?" Hailey asked.

"Who are you?" she asked in an accusatory tone.

"Hailey. Is he here?"

At that moment, James came to the door and stood behind the girl. When he saw it was Hailey, he threw the door open and ushered her in.

"Hailes! How are you?"

She looked at the floor as her eyes began to flood with tears.

"Natalie, could you give us a moment alone?" he asked softly.

The blonde scowled, but went upstairs. Hailey made her way to the couch and plopped into a sitting position.

"How's Patrick?"

"I had to leave him," she said softly.

"What? Why?" James demanded.

" dad's had a heart attack and it's all my fault. I can't believe he had to hear it from you. Mum threatened to disown me if I didn't end it and come home. What was I supposed to do? It's my family? My dad could have died."

She laid her head on James' chest and the familiar arms encircled her. He stroked her hair, holding her tightly.

"What did you say?" James asked.

Hailey almost didn't reply.

"I told him it was all just an experiment and that I just really didn't love him. I told him I wanted to marry you. I had to hurt him, to keep him away."


"I had to!"

"Oh, Hailes," he sighed.

When James rested his head on Hailey's, it was almost as if nothing had changed, except for that nagging feeling in her heart. She knew she had done the wrong thing. But, there was no going back. She had caused events that couldn't be changed. Her father had been happy when she told him there was nothing between her and Patrick, and the look on Patrick's face when she was driving away said it all.

"So, is that her, upstairs?" she asked.

"Yes, I was surprised she came back to me. Her name is Natalie. Don't get me wrong, Hailey, I love you. I could have been happy with you, but not the way I am with her. I can't hurt her again and my parents have accepted the fact that you and I won't be together."

"Lucky," she breathed. "Oh, James, you don't have to explain. I'm not here to win you back, you're my best friend. I'll live. I guess I should be getting home. Thanks for your support."

She got up and headed towards the door. James stopped her before she could walk out.

"Tell your parents that you love him."

"I don't love him," she grumbled, looking at the ground.

"You do, I know you better than anyone. Tell them, they'll understand."

Hailey slid under his arm and went out the door.

"Hailey!" he called after her, "You are an adult, you need to make yourself happy. Your family will always love you."

She shook her head and turned the corner.
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