Status: finished c:

Come Pick Me Up



"Well, Garrett, thank you so much for the flannel shirt, and my gratitude will be bigger if you have a plastic bag on you." I told him. He just looked at me like I was stupid.

What is wrong with this guy? First, he spills beer on my top, and now, he's staring at me like I'm some alien. "Helloo! Earth to Garrett? I'm talking to you..." I said, snapping my fingers at his face.

"Oh, yeah, I'll just go get some." he told me as he went away.

I closed the door again and sat on the floor waiting for Garrett. Once I heard someone knocking on the door I told him to come in. He walked inside the bathroom and sat on the floor beside me handing me the plastic bag.

"Thank you." I said not getting up.

"Aren't you gonna put your tank top in the plastic bag now?"

"No, not yet. I'm too tired. Such an eventful day. I can't even move my arms and I don't even know why."

He took the plastic bag from my hands and stood up, "I'll do it for you then."

"I didn't ask you to..." I said, confused. I just heard him let out a laugh.

"But I want to. I haven't caught your name yet. Let me guess, your name's Carly?" he questioned.

"No. It starts with the letter--"


"No. I said it starts with the--"


"You're really stubborn, aren't you?" I said, laughing. "My name's Sophia."

"Why yes. Yes, I am. Well, Sophia, since I spilled beer on you, I want to show you how sorry I am by getting you home." he said with a fake English accent.

"You have a very cocky accent, my dear. And I'm guessing Jonathan asked you to drive me home?"

"How'd you know?"

"I have telepathy." I chuckled, while pointing to my temple.

"Oh cool! I have telekinesis!" he cheered. "Watch this." I watched him point his left pointer finger to his temple and his right hand move the soap on the counter. "See, It totally moved!"

"Yeah, it did. Congratulations, boy." I giggled. "Now, can you please hand me my top and bring me home?" I said as I stood up. He handed me my tank top and led me through the crowd. Once we got outside, he walked to a bright yellow car. "This is your car?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?"

"Just the fact that it looks girly. Wait, you're not gay, right?"

"No, I am absolutely not gay" he said, laughing. "Now just get in so that I can drive you home, already."

As I went inside his car, I heard Ryan Adams' Come Pick Me Up. I smiled at the song. "You like Ryan Adams?"

"Yeah, he's kind of like my hero, you know?"

"Well, that's really cool because he is mine too." I smiled then I told him the directions to my house.

A few awkward moments later, we've arrived to my house. I thanked him for the drive and tried to open the door but he stopped me. He asked me if I wanted him to walk me to my door. "No, I'm alright, it's not like someone's gonna rape me in that small walk to my door."

I stepped off his car and closed the car door. I went to the door, and pulled out my spare key and opened the front door. Before I walked in, I turned around and waved and yelled a 'thank you.' again.

I have a feeling that Garrett and I will be good friends.
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i changed this into a two-shot because i feel like it's nice the way this is. so yeah.