"Mommy, Please Don't Hurt Me!"

Chapter One: Stew and Ham Sandwiches

I started off like any other day, cleaning the stables, brushing and caring for the horses… you know all of the everyday work that us Fantas had to do. Fantas is what the city people call us. Because we are different, because we don’t spend every second of everyday wondering how our hair a makeup look. We care about sun rises, sunsets, family, friends, and fun.
So as I was completing my everyday chores, all I could think in my head was, “Sierra hurry up because when you are done with all of your chores you can ride Nessa through the valley.” I thought this everyday, it is kinda what motivated me to work harder and faster to get my work complete so that I could be with my favorite horse out of them all, Nessa. I don’t mean to say that I don’t love them all, because I do but Nessa means a lot to me. We have been together for a long time now. I love her more than anything. She is part of our family as a whole.
My mother came in to the large shed as I was trying to get the hay that we had been drying out.

“Sierra time to eat, we are having Stew, and ham sandwiches.”

I really hated stew and ham sandwiches but for some reason my mother enjoyed making it. It maybe because she thought I liked it, or maybe just because she called it her “specialty”. Either way she loved doing it, and anything was worth making her happy. At least then maybe there would be a chance that she wouldn’t do to me what she did everyday.
So I quickly ran inside as fast as I could so I could get eating over with. It was already dark, and if I didn’t finish my chores soon, I wouldn’t be able to ride Nessa.
As I scoffed down my food, I could tell that my mother was trying to make conversation with me…

“Sierra, how was your day without school today?”

I was silent and all you could hear was the fast munching and slurping of the stew and sandwich.

“Uhh…fine I guess.”

I was kinda worried and I realized I should probably try to listen to her for a bit. I didn’t want her to get mad knowing that she gets mad a lot. She was bi-polar and she had PTSD from when my father was around, he used to beat her. She would get severe flash backs and when she did, her bi-polar problems would come into play. That’s when she would get either really happy or really sad. When she did she would take it out on me or my 5 year old brother Tyler.

“Mommy, my tummy hurts.”
“Go to bed then Tyler, I do not want to hear your complaining!” My mother screamed at little Tyler.

I could tell Tyler didn’t understand. He just wanted to be loved. So I stopped eating, placed my food lightly on the table and got up from my chair. When I walked over to Tyler he jumped on my back and I walked out of the kitchen.
I could hear my mother muttering,

“Fine, leave me then. Both of you! Stay up there and don’t come back!”

She was in a bad mood now and I knew it was because of me, I didn’t pay attention to her before. At least my brother was going to bed and he wouldn’t have to deal with what was going to soon come.