‹ Prequel: Hiccups
Sequel: Hiccuped
Status: Active



Hiccuping with Pudd 
"On in 10 minutes guys" said the stage manager putting her head round the door of the dressing room "thanks Els" said Tom with a smile "why I'm here" she said as she walked away "I think I'll get a cuppa before we go on" said Danny standing and leaving the dressing room "I'll go check out the instruments and remember Doug we're playing Transylvania" said Tom standing, stretching and leaving "wow I can't believe it Doug we're on Later with Jools Holand playing your song wow" said Harry happily smiling at Dougie who nodded with a hiccup "oh Doug you don't have.." Harry trailing off giggling softly "yeah Har hiccups" said Dougie with another hiccups "oh Dougie what have you done?" said Harry with a small snigger "what have I done.." Dougie paused to hiccup "it's not my fault I didn't chose to have hiccups now", Dougie sighed and looked down, "look let's sort this out together" said Harry smiling "ok" said Dougie not convinced "ok look how about me try the old distraction technique" said Harry, Dougie nodded with a hiccup "right so what did you have for breakfast?" asked Harry "yogurt" said Dougie hiccuping again, "what flavour?" asked Harry getting hungry, "plum I think or maybe gone off strawberry I don't actually know" said Dougie trying to remember "this isn't working is it?" asked Harry as Dougie hiccuped again in front of him, Dougie shook his head no, "how about we just take a stroll round the studio?" asked Harry standing "ok" said Dougie with a hiccup and a smile. The two walked through the many long corridors of the studio in almost complete silence bar the hiccups until Harry turned to Dougie and said "so did you ever think this song your song would ever get on such a big show?" Dougie hiccuped then replied "no not really and it's not my song it's our song" there was an awkward pause before he continued and said "you know our song as in McFly's song", Harry nodded and smiled "do you remember when you got hiccups Har how on earth did I get rid of them for you" said Dougie hiccuping again, "what you can't remember?" asked Harry with some disbelief "no don't recall" said Dougie hiccuping "oh don't you remember we watched CSI New York" said Harry sadly "Har we must've done that a million times can you narrow it down?" said Dougie hiccuping "The older boss man got his wallet stolen and was like really annoyed" said Harry as the two walked through the empty corridors "oh yeah that one that was a good episode" said Dougie hiccuping again,  "I guess but do you remember how you got rid of the hiccups?" asked Harry defeated "could you remind me?" asked Dougie with a smile and a hiccup "ok it went something like this" said Harry pulling Dougie in to a small cup board, pushed him up against a wall and kissed him. They held the kiss and each other for two minutes wrapping there arms around each-other. Before pulling away "oh now I remember" joked Dougie smiling as Harry held him, "good and I guess it worked" said Harry with a small smile "you are right" said Dougie smiling back, "Dougie, Harry on set now" yelled a strong female voice "quick Ella's calling us and she sounds impatient" said Harry happily, "ok take my hand and we'll run" said Dougie holding out a hand "my pleasure" said Harry taking his hand, with that the two exited the small room and hand in hand ran to the studio, "oh guys you're here good quick grab your gear" said Ella as the two boys ran on to the set, "now playing their new song written by their very own Dougie Poynter  it's MCFLY" called Jools Holand, the band began to play, Dougie turned to Harry and mouthed 'thank you' as Tom sang, Harry nodded and smiled as Dougie also began to sing thinking all the while of hiccups.
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To my only reader
thanks pal XD