‹ Prequel: Hiccups
Sequel: Hiccuped
Status: Active



Hiccuping with B+B 
Brennan walked across the FBI car park from her car to the lift when a familiar Bentley pulled up, Brennan stopped and looked at the car trying to recall who it belonged to, but just as she was about to turn and leave the car park, Dr Gordon Wyatt stepped from the car "Dr Brennan" said the man's smooth British voice, "Dr Wyatt, how nice to see you" said Brennan with a smile, "like wise how are you?" said Gordon happily "fine thank you, yourself?" said Brennan as Gordon joined her by the lift. "Good oh same old here and may I say you do look as radiant as ever Dr Brennan" said Gordon with a charming smile, "well thank you Dr Wyatt and please Temperance" said Brennan blushing slightly, "only if you call me Gordon please" replied Gordon pressing the button to call the lift, "if you insist" said Brennan smiling "oh I do and may I ask how is our dear friend Agent Booth?" asked Gordon as the two stepped simultaneously in to the lift, "he's well you know still charming, brave and lead by his heart" said Brennan pressing the button for Booth's floor, "but we wouldn't have him any other way" said Gordon as the lift whirred in to lift. "So Dr I'm sorry Gordon what brings you back to the FBI may I ask?" asked Brennan shyly "to see your fine self and Agent Booth, you are still partners are you not?" said the doctor of phycology, "we are still partners yes I wouldn't work with any other FBI agent" said the doctor of anthropology  "I have no doubt of that" said Gordon that's when the lift hit the office floor. Meanwhile Booth sat idly in his office filling out and sighing as much of the paper pushing that came with his job as he could, when he could hear familiar laughter first of all he dismissed it as office noise until he could feel eye on him, he looked up to see Brennan and Gordon standing in the doorway of his office. "BONES GORDON GORDON" yelled Booth standing quickly, he rounded his desk then before anything else could be said he was taken in to a bear hug with the slightly taller man, then released "Agent Booth look at you" said Gordon happily, "please don't say I've grown" joked Booth hiccuping slightly. "I've just been talking to the lovely Dr Brennan and she has informed me that you don't have a case at the present time" said Gordon."well no but I have a lot of paper pushing" said Booth hiccuping "the not so glamorous part of your job I fear" said Gordon, Booth nodded then hiccuped, "So how about we have dinner today the three of us at the diner my treat" said Gordon "that would be lovely" said Brennan happily "ok let me finish this batch and I'm done" said Booth hiccuping "ok Temperance and I'll have a cup of tea while we wait" said Gordon "nice won't be long" hiccuped Booth again, "Agent Booth could I have a moment asked a scrawny man in a grey suit poking his head round the door, "ok one minute Kent" said Booth "so Booth you ok?" asked Brennan "yeah thanks Bones" said Booth with a hiccup "ok don't be long" said Brennan "I'll try for you" hiccuped Booth "all your's Kent" said Gordon as the two left Booth's office. "Tea Temperance?" asked Gordon as the two waited, "um yes please" said Brennan, "what's wrong you seen distracted?" asked Gordon as he searched the top cupboards for a tea pot and tea bags, "um well you saw Booth has hiccups, but what can I do to help?" said Brennan "well have you ever had hiccups?" asked Gordon now searching the lower cupboards, "yes of course" replied Brennan curious about where he was taking this, "ah got it"said Gordon producing a rather dusty tea pot, "so has Booth ever helped you get rid of hiccups?" asked Gordon wiping the tea pot down, "yeah he has" said Brennan, "so would it not be almost necessary for you to help him?" asked Gordon, no searching for tea bags, "I suppose so" replied Brennan. "Really lemon grass and berry tea, that's not tea that's murder of proper tea it disgraceful it really is now come on" ranted Gordon picking out a box of herbal tea then placing it back in the cupboard, Brennan smiled at the man's sheer British-ness before saying "may I ask how I would rid Booth of his hiccups", "oh I'll just have to wait damn FBI, sorry what was that Temperance?" asked Gordon now done with is tea crusade, "how do I get rid of Booth's hiccups?" she asked again "just do what he did to you" replied Gordon now washing out the tea pot regardless that the had no tea, "thank you Gordon I won't be long" said Brennan kissing Dr Wyatt on the cheek then leaving the room "a pleasure, so why do you have a FBI branded tea pot with no bloody tea bags what's the point" ranted Gordon to himself. As Dr Brennan made her way back to Booth's office where she found him leaning over his desk, "oh hey Bones sorry I'll be done in a minute honest" hiccuped Booth looking at Brennan swiftly before returning to the work, that's when Brennan entered rounded the desk swung Booth to face her in his chair then planted her lips on his, Booth straightened up in his chair and could then really feel her pressing against him, then she pulled away looked him straight in the eyes and said "hiccups gone?" he nodded and stood. "Come along you two, I'm gasping for some proper tea, I can already feel my British charm slipping away and being replaced with ice hockey and cherry pie" said Gordon standing in the doorway. "Hey that sounds like Booth" said Brennan happily "I'm turning in to another Booth" said Gordon "that's not a bad thing" said Brennan looking at Booth "thank you Bones" said Booth putting his hand on her shoulder, "no so bad I guess you would get two man willing to lay down their lives for you" said Gordon "that's true" said Brennan putting her hand on Booth's, "so tea and cherry pie on me" said Gordon "sounds lovely" said Brennan, so the three when and had tea and pie in the royal diner but as they ate, joked and talked, but Dr Gordon (Gordon) Wyatt couldn't help thinking what the mind goes through when one has hiccups.
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Featuring Dr Gordon Wyatt played by Stephen Fry of Britain
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