Sequel: All You Need Is Love
Status: This Story Is Over. Sequel Coming Soon. -- Christa

Falling To Pieces

A Few Months Later

I sighed and looked out the window. I rubbed my tummy as Azalia played with her toys in the floor. I smiled down at her, but it had mostly been a fake smile. I didn't feel much like smiling these days. Even when I was with Azalia. I knew she wasn't mine, but babies always made my day. Only, now I was having one. I just felt like it had been too soon. I felt like I wouldn't become a great mom like Olivia. Although she loved to assure me I would be after Azalia.

Caleb loved to come over and help me. We were friends, and nothing more. Although we have shared a few kisses here and there, he'd never asked me to actually be his. And I have never really asked him what he thought of me. I smiled, remembering our first kiss. It had been three days after we actually met. He was leaving and kissed me on the lips. Told me he didn't live far and he'd help me whenever I needed it. And I did. Olivia was always away at her job, and I was always taking care of her child.

My cell phone rang. Causing Azalia to jump and cry. I groaned, wishing she would shut up. My head rang along with the phone as I answered it. "Hello?" I held the phone between my shoulder and ear as I picked Azalia up and held her over my tummy which by now was huge. The doctors figured I may be having twins. I couldn't deal with this.

"Hi, boo." Caleb's voice was music to my ears as the baby calmed down. She started to chew on my finger. I winced a little.

"Hey, sweetie." I smiled. Pet names. We were always using them. Very rarely did we call each other by our real names. Even Olivia started to get used to the fact I usually said 'monkey' or 'cutie' or anything else I may have used.

I heard him chuckle as Azalia tried and failed to say his name. She still had trouble saying it, even though she said it more than twice every day. "I just wanted to call and check up on my girls."

"We're fine." I giggled. "But how did you know Azalia was here?" I asked him. Olivia just went shopping, and normally took her.

"I was talking about the one inside you." He chuckled again.

I blushed. "How do you know it's a girl? I haven't let them tell me the sex yet." I pointed out.

"Just a guess." He shrugged. "My mom used to tell me I wasn't very painful, but my little sister was. I always thought it was the other way around.." He trailed off. He didn't like talking about his sister or mom. They both ran away when he was only ten. He was left with his father who didn't much care for him so he dumped him into the streets where this foster family picked him up. But even they were getting tired of him now.

I bit my lip. "Well, whatever he or she is, I wish they would stop growing. My tummy is ready to bust!" I whined.

"Have you made up your mind on how you want him or her to be born?" He asked me.

I stopped. That was one thing I never thought of. But I knew that there was no way they were cutting me open. But everybody thought I should.. "Well. Kinda." I giggled.

After we talked for a few more minutes, I hung up and fixed Azalia something to eat. She sat at the bar and ate while I watched out the kitchen window. It was a view of the woods that was beside our cabin.

I was deep in thought when I thought I saw somebody in the trees. But when I looked nobody had been there. I was seeing things now.. Great.

I rolled up my sleeve. It had been hot outside today, but I still wore them. I looked at all the old cuts I still had. I badly wanted to make fresh ones. But Caleb would know. He's the only one that ever notices them anymore.
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Woo! Shilo's HUUUUGE Dx xD Anyways. comment? How well do you guys like this story? Annnd what do you think Shilo is having? Boy? Girl? Both? Twins? xD Also, give me some names, guys! but not simple or common. Names that aren't used very much, i like those kinds!

-- Christa