Not Even Duct Tape Can Fix My Broken Heart, Can You?

Not Even Duct Tape Can Fix My Broken Heart

"I don't like this," Brian whined as Jamie and I dolled him up for the big meeting with Kayci's mom and dad, she said her dad liked whoever she liked but her mom was different.

"Do you want to impress her parents?" Jamie demanded as she pulled his collar, making him lean down to her face. "Do you want to make her happy?"


"Then do as we say or we will hurt you, we are two pregnant, hormonal, pissy women so unless you want to pull this shirt out of your ass stop complaining!" Jamie said letting his shirt go, his eyes we wide as he looked at me, I shrugged and grinned at him as I pulled his white button up shirt down and folded it once at the sleeves.

"Uh…" I said as I looked at his chest. "Button to the top or let his undershirt show?"

"Well, if its button to tight he'll be irritated and plus it makes you look up tight, so button everyone of them except the first one," Jamie said as she finished fixing his collar.

“Alright.” I nodded, buttoning the shirt up. After we finished, we both stepped back and smiled.

“We’re amazing!” Jamie laughed. “You look perfect!”

“I concur.” I nodded.

“I have to agree, I am one damned good looking bastard.” Brian examined himself in the mirror.

“Yes, amazingly handsome,” Jamie scoffed sarcastically and waved Brian out the door and to his car. “Just go get your blessings, will ya?”

“Okay, bye. Thank you, so fucking much!” Brian waved as he jumped in his car and drove off to pick up Kayci.

“Let’s just hope he doesn’t fuck anything up, eh?” Jamie turned to me and laughed.

“That all we can do.” I nodded as Jamie and I walked back inside. Jamie was humming something I couldn’t quite make out, but she sounded pretty good. “Jamie?”

“Yah?” She dropped onto the couch.

“Can you sing? Cause, like, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sing before.” I shook my head and sat down next to her.

“I guess I’m alright. Here, I’ll sing something.” Jamie cleared her throat. “Back to the street where we began, feeling as good as lovers can, you know, yeah we're feeling so good…”

“Wow, you’re really good!” I complimented.

“How about you?”

“I’m okay.”

“Sing something!” Jamie demanded.



"Wow, you sound like Kodah," Jamie said slowly as her eyes fixed on me. "This is beyond creepy."

"Yeah," I laughed as I sat down and waited to hear back from Kayci, it was exciting to hear about Brian and Kayci.

--------Kayci's POV---------

"Are you okay?" Brian asked softly as he started to stop walking up my parents pathway. "Kayci?"

"I'm okay," I said slowly as I look at him, I had to admit, Jamie and Jack did an amazing job making him look very sophisticated and handsome. "I'm just having second thoughts about the whole, making you look up to my mom's standards thing."

"What do you want me to do?" he asked as he stood in front of me. "I can take the shirt off if you want?"

"Do what you want, if we get inside and you want to take it off, take it off," I said sweetly as I leaned up and kissed his lips. "Let's go."

"Alright," he smiled as he grabbed my hand and walked up to the door with me, I smiled as I reached forward to knock on the door, but it opened and made my hand fall.

"Oh," I said then smiled at my father. "Hey daddy."

“Hi, baby girl. Is this Brian?” He smiled and gestured to Brian.

“Yeah.” I nodded, smiling. My phone began vibrating making me jump and turn away from Brian and my dad to see who it was.


Kace! Hows it goin? Did he meet them yet? What do they think?

I laughed slightly and told her that we just got here and I’d call them later to tell them how things were going. After I dealt with Jamie and her many questions, I went back to Brian, who was talking to my Dad about cars. I shook my head smiling and went to see my mom, who was mumbling incoherently to herself.

“Mommy!” I grinned as she pulled me into a hug.

“Kayci! How are you, sweetie?” She pulled away and smiled.

“I’m good.” I nodded.

“How about Montana? Is she dead yet?” My mom always thought Montana was going to accidentally die one day from her crazy lifestyle.

“No, she’s good. Found a nice man, too.”

“Awww, good for her. So where is this Brian?” She looked around me.

“With dad, talking about cars.” I sighed.

“Boys will be boys.” She laughed slightly.

"Yeah," I said as I walked with her out to the door. "Brian, dad!"

"Yeah?" they said at the same time as they turned around from looking under Brian's mustang's engine.

"Oh come on guys, don't get dirty," I whined as I walked over to Brian and pulled his shirt away from the oil where he was leaning.

"Sorry," he grinned and stood up fully, grabbing my hand he started to walk for the house but stopped when he seen my mother. "Hey."

"Brian this is my mother, Carmen Cooper, mom this is Brian Haner my fiancée," I said softly as I winced, waiting for her yelling or screaming, but it never came.


"It's nice to meet you Brian, I hope you have been good to my little girl?" Mom said holding her hand out to have Brian kiss it, but he grabbed it and shook it, which made me giggle slightly.

"Nice to meet you to Mrs. Cooper and I've been very good to you're daughter, I love her," Brian said as he glanced at me and smiled sweetly.

"Aw isn't that sweet, come on inside and we'll have some tea in the sun-room," Mom said as she and Dad walked in before us, I looked at Brian who whined under his breath.

"I know, I know," I said softly as I pulled him in after me.

"This is worth it, completely worth it," he kept muttering under his breath, making me smile sadly, I hated making him suffer but I did need my parents blessing.

"Come on dear, come sit down," My father said moments after we made it in the sun-room and sat on the couch, I smiled and leaned against Brian as I grabbed a tea cup from my mother.

---------An Hour Later----------

"And then I asked her if she wanted to go on a date with me," Brian explained as he looked over at me with a smile.

"How romantic," Mother gushed, the last hour had went extremely well, my parents loved Brian and apparently he liked them.

"Now Brian, What do you do for a living? We've talked about everything else but that," My father laughed as he sat his cup down.

"I'm in a band, I'm the guitarist," he said as he leaned up and set his cup down.

"Really now?" Mom said looking at my father. "Is it like, country?"

Brian laughed and shook his head before he started to take his shirt off. "It's hot in here," he remarked as his tattoos began to show, my eyes went wide before I turned to see my mother's mouth drop. "It's actually a rock band."

"Oh dear lord," mom whispered turning to Dad, but all he did was smile. "A rock band huh?"

"What's the band called son?" dad asked like he was actually proud and happy.

"Avenged Sevenfold," Brian claimed as he leaned back and put his arm around my back. "We're pretty popular in the rock world about now."

"You wouldn't happen to be Synyster Gates would you?" My dad asked leaning up, his glasses falling down to the bridge of his nose.

"Actually I am," Brian said nodding, in shock that my father even knew what his stage name was. "Have you heard of us?"
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