Not Even Duct Tape Can Fix My Broken Heart, Can You?

Not Even Duct Tape Can Fix My Broken Heart

“But,” Jamie said as she poured the wine into our glasses. “This wine is very significant. To me and Brian, at least.”

“Yeah,” Brian nodded. “This is the wine we drank immediately after Matt getting Kodah’s parent’s blessings, Zacky getting Jamie’s mother’s blessings, and now when I got my beautiful fiancé’s dad’s blessings.”

“So, we all get one half glass.” Jamie nodded as we all clicked our glasses together.

“We couldn’t wait till all the guys were here?” I looked over to Jamie, who took a small sip.

“No, tradition is right after. When Zack and I got my mother’s blessings, after all that hard work, it was just him, Jimmy, and I.”

"Should we drink?" I asked as I looked at the glass, which was half full, or half empty…all the same to me.

"I don't think one glass of wine will hurt a thing," Jamie said as she put her glass up. "Cheers to the blessing of Kayci and Brian!"

"Why did we do that twice?" Montana asked after her sip.

"We do it three times for luck," Jamie explained. "Now Jack you're turn."

"Cheers to a lovely life, a longing marriage and a bundle of children!" I said then started laughing as we all clicked our glasses together again and took a sip.

"I want a lot of kids you know, but damn you guys have proven it’s a hand full!" Brian said laughing as he hugged Kayci to his side.

"Aw it's not that hard," Jamie said smiling as she nudged me in the side. "All you need is love and support, and you have everything right here."

"Yeah, we support each other you know?" I said smiling at them.

"Where the hell is Matt?" Brian said randomly after he nodded to my comment. "And the kids, and the others and…am I alone with two pregnant women and two others?"


"Ah shit," he groaned and sat on the couch. "Strip teases, everyone now!"

"Fuck off!" we all yelled and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey! Don't leave me! Kayci come back and give me a lap dance! Kayci?" Brian yelled as we sat down at the kitchen table.

"How does it feel to be pregnant?" Kayci asked randomly as she looked at Montana, who nodded her head in agreement.

"Wonderful," Jamie and I both stated.

"Until you started getting the pukes," Jamie said

"And the cravings," I said

"And the pains," Jamie said

"And the mood swings," I said

"Oh let’s not forget them crazy ass hormones that say Take me I'm yours to Fuck off, don't touch me, you did this to me in the first place," Jamie said nodding her head, which made everyone burst out laughing. “I’m not even kidding! Perfectly good example,” Jamie started. “Last night, I was so hot, and sat patiently on the bed waiting for Zack. But then as soon as we started, I started yelling at him every time he did anything. Like, literally screaming, red faced angry. He looked like he was gonna cry!”

“You made your husband cry?” Brian laughed.

“Almost! And don’t let him know that I told you guys!” Jamie held out her hands as if to stop us.

“Okay, we’ll keep hush!” Montana put her finger over her mouth. “It seems that pregnancy isn’t too fun.”

“No!” I laughed. “It’s amazing.”

“One of the greatest experiences ever.” Jamie nodded.

“Just to know that you have a living thing inside you, it’s great.” I added.

“And that that being was a creation by you and the one you love more than anything in the world,” Jamie said softly.

“And when you first feel a kick?” I looked over to Jamie.

“It’s magic.” We said at the same time.

“Pregnancy is just… Indescribable.” Jamie finished off her wine.

“It sounds so, but I’m defiantly not ready.” Montana shook her head.

“Ha, that’s what I said, but then I found out I was pregnant with Codi and Aiden. But, I guess I was ready.” Jamie laughed. “Just watch out, we made that mistake and weren’t careful enough. Me and Zack had to mature way too quickly, don’t ruin your young days. Take it from the old one!” Jamie threw her hand over her head overdramatically.

"You know I'm older than you right?" Brian said slowly as he pulled Kayci in his lap, after he took her seat.

"You're ancient, I'm old," Jamie corrected herself, I held my hand out and she gave me a high five.

"Babe, it doesn't show at all, especially in bed," Kayci said, thinking she was quiet.

"We heard you," Jamie and I both said at the same time, with smiles on our faces, the teasing ones.

"Well fuck," Kayci grumbled and leaned back.

"Hey Brian can I have a word with you about a present for Matt?" I asked pointing to the back porch, he nodded and sat Kayci in his chair as he walked with me, he shut the door and leaned against the railing. "I told Kayci."

"Told her what?" Brian asked oblivious.

"That Acelin is ours," I said biting my lip, he looked up with wide eyes and stood u p in shock. "She's not mad Brian."

"She's not?" he asked letting out the breath he had held, he put his hand over his chest and leaned back against the railing. "You fucking scared me."

"You love her a lot don't you?" I asked with a smile on my face, I liked seeing him happy.

"I really do Jack, I love her more than I have ever loved anyone," he said then added quickly. "No offense."

"None taken, I love Matt more than anyone I've ever been with, he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with Bri," I said softly as I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulder. "Don't fuck this up like you always do."

"Wise words, very kind wise words," he said scoffing as he looked off. "But I won't, I'm determined to make my life right Jack, I won't fuck up again."

"Good, because I like Kayci and I don't want to have to kick your ass with me pregnant, it’s really hard," I said honestly as I smiled, he laughed and kissed my cheek before he walked back to the door.
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