Not Even Duct Tape Can Fix My Broken Heart, Can You?

Not Even Duct Tape Can Fix My Broken Heart

“Ohh!!! Can I bat first?” Jamie raised her hand and jumped around.

“Sure.” I nodded, smiling.

“Yay!!! Love you, Matt!” Jamie blew me a playful kiss and stepped up to the plate. One of Jacklyn’s friends was pitching, he threw a fast ball. Jamie bit her lip and hit it out of the field. “Ohh! What now, bitches?”

“Impressive.” Jacklyn nodded.

“Thank you, I was the only girl on the high school team.” Jamie smirked, basking in her glory as she walked to the plate. Zacky came up behind her and nuzzled his face into her neck. He must have been kissing it, because Jamie did her usually moan.

“Ewww, stop.” I threw a baseball at Zacky’s back. It hit him pretty hard; he stopped, turned to me, picked it up, and threw it back at me. I smirked and caught it.

“Why the fuck do you always stop us?” Zacky whined.

“Because that’s not something you need to be so public with.”

“Fine, Matt. But when you and Jacklyn want to make out in public, I’ll make sure to stop you.” Jamie turned to me and smirked. Her statement made both Jacklyn and I blush like crazy.

“You’re an evil bitch.”

“Oh, I know.” She smiled and nodded. “And I’m also the best girl baseball player you know. And I don’t think even Jacklyn is gonna be better.”

“You’d be surprised.” Jacklyn chimed in,

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” Jamie waved Jacklyn away and handed the bat to Johnny.

"Then believe it," Jacklyn said as she stepped back waiting for Jimmy to hit the ball, he hit it down third base, which Jacklyn's friend Andrew caught it and threw it to Second where Jamie was heading and then second threw it to first where Jacklyn caught it and got Jimmy out. "I believe that was three."

"Holy shit," Johnny whispered as he put up his bat and grabbed his glove. 'I think we have ourselves in deep shit people."

"Shut up Johnny," Jamie said as she grabbed her glove and ran out to second base, a few minutes later I was on the mount and Jacklyn walked up to the plate, she swung once and got in a stance to hit.

"Come on Matt, give me your best," she said smirking at me, I smiled and pitched it to her like I would anyone else, she let it go by and smiled.

"Strike one!" Brian said behind the plate. "Come on Jackie! You going to let him strike you out?"

"You know me better than that Brian," Jacklyn said as she leaned forward and waited for the second pitch, which was beautiful and straight down the strike zone, until Jacklyn popped it out in the outfield, left field where Zacky and Johnny were.

"I got it!" Johnny yelled right as he and Zacky collided and laid out on the ground, everyone grimaced then started shouting for them to get up.

"Get the fucking ball!" Jamie yelled, damn was she competitive.

"Come on Jack!" her friends chanted as she rounded third base, the ball went flying into Jimmy who was at third and he threw it to Brian, who stood at the plate, Jacklyn didn't stop but ran and slid under his legs, he didn't expect that.

"Hiya Brian," she teased as he looked down at her with his mouth open, then up to me.

"Holy fuck face," he mumbled as I laughed and held out my glove.

"Nice one Jacklyn," I laughed as she stood up and walked into the dugout.

"Thanks Matt," she laughed then looked over at the kids, she frowned and turned around. "Acelin?"

"What?" I asked as I walked over from the mount.

"Jacklyn's not over there," she said throwing her gloves off and running out of the dugout to the other field, Brian glanced at me and we both ran after her. "Acelin!"

"Fuck, where's Keegan?" I yelled as I seen her wasn't there.

"Shit!" Jacklyn screamed and ran off to the left, Brian took the right and I went straight to the parking lot, after a few minutes of searching, I seen four little feet sticking out of the van, I ran over and seen Keegan and Acelin playing with her dolls and his action figures.

"Hi daddy," Keegan said as I picked him up, then Acelin.

"What were you doing? You took off from the field I told you to stay at, you could have gotten killed," I said as tears weld up in my eyes, Acelin looked up and wiped my eyes.

"You otay Matt?" she asked

"I'm fine, but you guys scared the crap out of me," I whispered as I walked up the steps into the walkway.

"Matt! Matt found them Jackie!" Brian yelled as he ran from the concession stand.

“Oh, thank god.” Jacklyn held her hand over her heart. She ran over to me and Acelin, hugging us both. “Don’t ever do that again, Acelin.”

“Okay, Mommy…” Acelin nodded and rested her head on my shoulder.

“Thank you, Matt.” Jacklyn kissed me softly.

“Awww!” Jamie came up behind us and squealed. “You guys are so adorable together!”

“Thanks, Jamesy.” Jacklyn smiled. No one had called Jamie that since Kodah died.

“Welcome.” Jamie nodded. Wow, she took it better than expected. “So, can we play some baseball now?”

“Sure.” I pulled away from Jacklyn and stepped back onto the pitcher’s mound.

-----At the Game’s End-----

“I can’t believe we lost!” Jamie stomped childishly. “Arg!!!”

“Don’t be so competitive, babe.” Zacky laughed at Jamie’s need to win.

“I can’t help it.” Jamie pouted and sat down on Zacky’s lap. “I’ve always been competitive.”

“Well, break the habit. Cause I don’t think your gonna win another game against me.” Jacklyn smirked.

“Oh, you’re on!” Jamie grinned. I was glad Jamie and Jacklyn got along so well, I don’t think we’d be able to keep dating if Jamie hated her.

“Poke…” Brian stabbed me in the shoulder with his finger.

“What?” I turned to him, he pulled me away from everyone else.

“You know who’s birthday is comin up this week?” Brian said quietly.


“Yes! And we need to throw her a party! She’s turning thirty, you know.”

“Yeah, I’ve known her since I was fourteen. I’m pretty sure I know what age she’ll be. So what do you want to do?”

“I dunno.”

“Jacklyn!” I called her over.

“Si?” She smiled at me.

“Jamie’s birthday is coming up and she’s turning thirty. What should we do?” I whispered.

“Surprise party! There always fun!” Jacklyn clapped. “And can I help?”

“Of course.” I nodded.

“Woo! So, when is it?”

“Her birthday is Saturday.” Brian chimed in.

“Ok. All of the boys and I need to get together without Jamie and plan this then.”

“Alright.” I sighed as we walked back to the benches where everyone else was sitting.
Jamie and Zacky we’re making out, as usual and Jimmy and Johnny decided to start drinking. “Wow, we’re so damn weird."

“But that’s why you love us.” Jamie pulled away from Zack and grinned.

"Really? I thought it was because you watched my kids for free?" I asked jokingly as I grinned and put my arm around Jacklyn, who held Acelin fast asleep in her arms.

"That wasn't rude," Jamie rolled her eyes "Nope, not at all."

"Good, I would never want to be rude to you guys," I laughed, making Jacklyn laugh and moved her head to my shoulder.
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