Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Kisses and Car Crashes

We were in the middle of learning how to multiply negatives when I looked over at my best friend. He was shy, had almond brown hair, and glasses. We've known each other since I can remember. He also has an older brother named Gerard. He's in the 9th grade right now. There's not much to say about him except he's an outcast like Mikey and I. I don't really talk to him a whole lot because he stays in his room and draws all the time. I do know that he has a great singing voice. I went with Mikey to watch him do Peter Pan when we were in 1st grade. We couldn't stop laughing. I remember when he had to kiss Wendy on stage. That was the best part. After that, Mikey would pretend to be Peter Pan and I would pretend to be Wendy. We made kissy faces at each other. It didn't stop until Gerard threatened to pound us.

Right when the teacher was about say something, someone knocked on the door. It was the school nurse. She whispered something into the teacher's ear.

"Um, Maggie dear, you need to come with me." the nurse said.
I shrugged and fallowed her all the way down to the counselor’s office. I saw the head principal, a police man, and the counselor.

"Hi, are you Maggie?" the police officer asked.

"Uh, Yeah." I said, in a worried tone.

"Hi, I'm Sergeant Matthews." he said.

"I'm afraid we have some very upsetting news for you." I looked at him confused.

"After you were dropped off from school, you parents, they got into a car accident." he said.

"Are they alright?" I asked.

“Your parents got hit by a drunk driver and I'm afraid they didn't make it."

I looked out the window to see some sign of hope. To see some sign of hope that this was a joke, or that I was dreaming. But, I didn't see anything. I felt tears form in my eyes. Nothing after that would ever be the same.

"Now, your grandmother has agreed to have you live with her, but that would mean having to move."

"MOVE???" I screamed. I couldn't believe this. Not only have my parents died, but I would have to move?

"Yes, but it's for your own good. She said that she would pick you up later today after school. We've arranged for the Way's to let you into their home during the rest of the school day and then your grandmother would pick you up after then."

I still couldn't believe any of this. I let the tears fall freely down my face. I looked out the window and saw the Way's station wagon. The tears came harder.

"Okay." I said, in the weakest voice.

I got up out of my chair and walked up the stairs I wouldn't ever walk on again. I got to my locker and got all of my pictures of me and Mikey and my parents. I left my text books there. I knew I wouldn’t need them. I walked into my math class and got my binders and my bag and shoved it all in there. I saw Mikey starring at me. Then, the intercom came on.
"We need Mikey and Gerard Way to come to the front office, Mikey and Gerard Way."

Mikey picked up his things and fallowed me out the door.
"Maggie, what happened?"

I didn't answer him. I didn't feel like it. I let more tears fall down my face. I felt somebody behind me. It was Gerard. "Hey, what's wrong?" he said, putting his arm around me.
I still didn't answer.

When we got to front office, Mrs. Way was there. When she saw me, she ran to me, hugging me tight. "Oh, you poor thing. I'm so sorry. so sorry." I cried into her chest. She caressed my back for what seemed like ages. She was like a second mom to me. I loved her to death.

When we all got checked out, we climbed into the station wagon. Mikey sat next to me. He put his arm around me. I put my head on his chest. "So, what happened?" he asked in a whisper.

"My parents got killed in a car accident." I said the best I could. He heard most of what he needed too. Tears started forming in his eyes too. He loved my parents too. They would always take care of him when he was sick and always give him what he needed.

"I have to move." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me and whispered, "No."
I shook my head. He cried harder. "I don't want you to move. You're the only friend I have."
I looked down and grabbed his hand. "I don't want to move either."

"Okay, we're here." Mrs. Way said.

I got out of the car and started up the steps into the Way residence, Gerard and Mrs. Way in front of me. Gerard turned around to face me. He had tears in his eyes. I had never seen him cry before. "I'm so sorry." he said.
I nodded my head and said, “Thanks."

I went into the living room and sat on the couch. Mikey sat next to me. He put his arms around me and leaned in for a hug. I hugged him back. I sobbed into chest. He hugged me tighter. I soon fell asleep in his arms until my snotty grandmother came. She lived all the way in New York. I still couldn't believe I was leaving.

"Maggie, Maggie. Wake up!" she said in a harsh tone. I couldn't believe I was going to have to live with this woman for 5 and half years. This was going to be torture.

"Come on now! We have a plane to catch! I don't want to be late."

I got off the couch, grabbed my bag and headed for the door. I felt somebody stop me. I turned around and it was Mikey. My dear friend I was going to leave forever. He starred at me for the longest time. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I started to walk away again when he pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed him back. When we pulled away, I started tearing up again. "Never forget me." he said.

"Never." I said.