Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Niceness and Airplanes

It's been a week now. Gerard and Mikey left me while I got ready to go to college. I'm not so sure now I want to go college. I mean, the only real reason I wanted to go was to get away from Grandmother. Maybe I should just skip college. I don't know though. It's only an hour flight, so I think I'll have enough time to think it over.

I was over at the airport with Grandmother and Rachel. Right when Gerard and Mikey left, Rachel told me she got accepted into the New Jersey college I was going to. We screamed for about two days and went out and celebrated. I cant believe she got accepted. Rachel doesn't really want to go to college like I do. She wants to get away from her past life. Her parents were druggies and didn't give a shit what she did. Most of the time, I wish I had that. But, after my parents died, I wanted them back. They weren't as strict as Grandmother.

Rachel and I waited for the final annocement to get on the plane, "All passengers need to bored the plane for take-off in five minutes" I turned to face Grandmother,"Well, I guess I better go now." I said.

"Yeah, good luck at college, my dear. And, I'm sorry that I haven't been really fair to you. You know, after Kristy died, I just, I don't know. She was a good daughter." I smiled at her.

Wait, was she just being nice to me? Wow, that's a twist. "Thanks Grandmother." I said and walked away with Rachel.

"Maggie?"Grandmother said. I turned around, "Yes?" I said. She came up to me and grabbed my face. "I love you." she said, tearing up.

"I love you too." I said and walked away. Grandmother waved at me. I waved back. Rachel grabbed me and we walked on to the plane. We found our seats. First class. You know, we're rich. Anyways, don't mean to brag, it's the truth. The sad truth. To be honest, I'd rather be poor. We took our seat and got cokes.

"Hey, are there any skittles on this plane?" I asked.

"Uh, I don't think there is." Rachel said. I stared at her with demon eyes.

"I. Need. My. Skittles!"

"Okay, I have an extra."

"Oh my gosh! Are you seriously gonna give them to me?" I said giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, but I get the green ones."

"Bitch. Deal."

She gave me the packet of skittes. "I love you Rachel!"

"I love you to Maggie!"