Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Pranksters and Airports

Once Rahcel and I got off the plane, we were releaved[sp?]. The plane ride was terrible. You wouldn't emagine how many people in first class have the flu right now! It's disgusting! Me and Rachel kept our mouths coverd the entire time.

"So, who's supposed to pick us up?" Rachel asked. I looked around, "Uh, Mikey and Gerard are. They said they were going to bring some friends with them."

"Oh, okay."she yawned,"God, I'm so tired. I stayed up late last night packing."

"Me too."

We walked down to the luggage place to get our luggage. We walked up to the front of the airport, still looking for them. Then I spotted a person with long black hair. It was Gerard.

"Hey, Gerard!" I yelled. He turned around. He was surrounded by people I didn't reconize. One guy had an afro and was really tall. The other guy was kinda short, had tatoos all over, and had a nose and lip peircing.

"Hey Maggie! You guys, this is Maggie."

"Hi, I'm Ray." said the guys with the afro. He held out his hand. I shook it. I turned to look at the other one. "Hi, I'm Frank." he said.

"Oh my gosh! Frank Iero? I remember you! We were in the same grade. It was a long time ago, but yeah."

"Don't worry, I remember you too." he said. Frank was always a prankster. He was the kind of person who would get in trouble for pulling pranks on teachers, like putting a woppie cushion in their chair or something like that.

"So, who's this fine lady right here?" he said, pointing to Rachel.

"I'm Rachel." she said smiling.

"Hmmm....I think you and I will get along just fine." he said. I giggled at this. "So, Gerard, where's Mikey?"

"Right here." someone said from behind.

"Mikey!" I said, hugging him tight. He hugged me back. "Miss me that much?" he said.

"More than you can ever emagine." I said.