Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Towels and Hotels

After a while, we called the guys to come get us. We waitd by the door as people came in and out of the airport with umbrellas. "Hey, you wanna go run in the rain?" I asked Mikey.

"What?" he looked at me.

"Come on, Like old times." I said.

"Yeah, sure." he said, "On the count of 3, we run. 1......2......3!!"

He grabberd my hand and we ran out into the rain. We both started laughing.

"It freels so great to be in Jersey again,"I said.

"I'm glad your back. Your my only friend. Well, except Gerard and Gabby of corse. But, it feels like I've known you much longer."

I felt a pang in my stomache when he said Gabby's name. I smiled and said,"We should probally go back now."

"Yeah, we're already soaked." When we ran back inside, Mikey took off his jaket and gave it to me. I smiled and said, "Thanks." He smiled back and looked out the window, "Hey, I think they're here."

I looked behind me. "Sweet. Finally!"

We ran outside to the car. "Okay, was that a joke, or did you really forget us?"

"Ummmmm.........Do we really have to answer that?" Gerard asked.

"Oh my gosh. I swear you guys are the stupidest people I've ever met." Every one laughed as Mikey got in.

"Um, where am I supposed to sit?" I asked.

"Well, you could sit on my lap or you could get n the trunk."

"I'll just sit on your lap."

As I got situated, Gerard turned n the radio. It went from Brittney Spears.







it was one of my favorite songs, 'Where Eagles Dare'. I put my head on Mikey's shoulder and went to sleep. When I next woke up, I was in my and Rachel's hotel room. I was under the covers with the TV on. I lookedover and saw Gerard on the other bed drawing a picture. He looked up from his drawing. "Hey, your awake." he said.

"Yeah, what time is it?" I asked . He looked at his cell phnoe. "It's almost 11:30."

"Holy shit! Did I sleep that long?

"Yeah. Rachel did too. We just wanted you to get some sleep."

"Oh, well where are they now?"

"They're down in the lobby waiting for us."

"Oh, okay. are we going somewhere?"

"Yeah, we were thinking the bar down the street." I got another paing in my stomache. Ever since my arents got killed, never went near alcohol. Not on New Years Eve or even church. But, maybe this time would be different.

"Okay, sounds great. Let me get ready."

"Okay." he said and went back to his drawing. I got out of bed and got in the shower. I let my pantiene shampoo run dwon my back. I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me, and went out to my suitcase to get my clothes and makeup. When I walked out, everyone was there, and I was only in a towel. They started whistleling and I turned reed. I got into my suitcase and got some fresh clothes out.

"So, whats with the towel?" Rachel asked.

"I just took a shower." I said in a 'duh' kind of way.

"Uh-huh. I know what you were really doing."

"And what is that?" I said, standing up straight, one hand on my hip.

"Oh, I don't know. Gerard was up here..."

"Dude, I just took a shower," I said laughing.

"Whatever you say."

I threw a T-shirt at her and went into the bathroom, got some clothes on, and put on some makeup. I walked out and said, "You guys read to go?"

"Hell yeah!" Rachel said.

She grabbed me by the waist as we walked to the bar.