Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Bars and Dancing

We got to the bar which smelled like cigarette smoke and havy alcohol. I coughed a bit when we stepped in. There weren't that many people. Just about 10 others. The bar had a rock band and pool tables. It was actually pretty nice, for a bar. We walked to the bar and sat at the booths. A bar tender came to us and said, "Welcome to The Jersey Bar. What can I get you?" They said, getting a pad and pencil.

"Margaritta on the rocks with extra lime." Frank said.

"Same." Rachel said.

"A beer." Ray said.

The bar tendewr looked at me. "Nothing for me thanks." I said. Gerard looked at me, "You sure?" he said.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay, well I'll have a coffee. Black."

When the bar tender came back, I looked around and said, "Where's Mikey?"

"He said that he hasd to make a phone call." Frank said, taking a sip of his margaritta.

"Again?" Gerard asked. Frank shrugged.

We all talked light-heartedley for 10 minutes and then the band came on. "Oh sweet." Frank said, "You wanna dance?" he asked Rachel.

"Yeah, sure. Ray, you wanna come?"

"Yeah." he said, putting down his beer. Gerard and I watched as they walked out to the dance floor. We watched tem for a few seconds until I said, "They dance like idiots."

Gerard laughed. "Think about it, they just got done drinking a whole bunch of alcohol."

"Yeah. True." I said. We talked about ourselves for the next 20 minutes. We found out a lot of stuff about each other. I found out he's afraid of needles, he's only had one girlfriend, and has never been kissed. Just then, a slow song came on. "So, as a friend, do you wanna dance?" he asked me.

"Of corse." I said, taking his hand. He led me out onto the dance floor. He put his hands on my hips, and i put my hiands on his shoulders. He looked into my eyes. He had the most beautifu eyes. I smiled sweetly the whole time we danced. For 3 minutes, we didn't say anything, we let our eyes do the talking. When the song ended, Mikey finally came back. Gerard, Mikey, and I danced for the next 10 songs. We got tired and decided to take a break. "Jesus, I'm tired." I said, putting my head down.

"Do you wanna go?" Mikey asked.

"No, let's just wait until they come back."

And not long after I said that, Frank was practically passed out, Rachel was giggley, and Ray was carrying both of them. "Let's go." Ray said.

"Fine with me, " I said. We got back up to the hotel room. Ray put Frank on a bed.

"Hey, do you guys just want to stay the night?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm beat. Can we please Gerard?" Ray begged.

"Yeah. Sure." Gerard said.

"YEs! Thnak you!" Ray said and jumped on the other bed. I laughed a bit. Rachel got in the same bed as Frank. I went over to the couch and sait down. Mikey and Gerard sat on either side of me. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. I turned down the the volume really low to let the others sleep. Mikey leaned on my shoulder. I put my arm around him and rested my head on his, while GErard leaned on me. "I love you guys." I told them both.

"I love you too. They both said, as the three of us went to sleep in each other's arms.