Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Revenge of the Bitch

I was in the car with my mom, driving to some girl's birthday party. "Mom, do I really have to go?" I asked.

"Yes. If this girl was kind enough to invite you, then you should be kind enough to go."

I sighed and slumped in my seat. My mom pulled up in the driveway where a girl name Megan was having her party. I sighed, got out of the car, dressed in a ll black, as a sign of rebllean, and got my stuff out of the trunk.

Mikey had been teasing me about this party all week. He knows that I don't have any other friends except for him. I walked up to the door. A girl with braces I reconized from school answered the door. She was in Gerard's grade. I've seen her over at the Way house sometimes when I was over there.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi," I said. I walked in and fallowed the girl into Megan's room. It was huge with a queen-size bed, a walk-in closet drapped with beads. There was also a table with every kind of chip, soda, and prezel you could think of. On the bed, I could see a huge stack of fashion magazines. "Oh, isn't this going to be great?" I mumbeled to myself. I put my stuff on the floor and joined the other girls on the floor who were doing each others nails. I put on a fake smile and sat down.

"Hey Maggie!" Megan said.

"Hi Megan! Happpy Birthday! And thanks for the invite!"

"No problem."

I sat there while everyone talked about boys from our school and compared them to celebraties. Soon, it was time for cake and ice cream. I sat alone until the girl who answered the door came and sat next to me.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," I said.

"Your friends with Gerard's little brother right?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Oh, I thought i've seen you over at their house before."

"Yeah, I'm practically there everyday." She smiled.

"I don't even know why I'm here. I'm not even friends with anyone here," I said.

"Yeah, well Megan's mom made her invite everybody. Even me. I have no idea why I'm here. Everyone here hates me."

I nodded, "Same here. I mean, I listen to punk music and only have one friend."

"Really?" asked the girl.

I nodded my head again.

"I love punk music! Who's your favorite band?"

"I love the Misfits. And Iron Maiden. Those are my favorite people."

"Awesome. i love them too."

I smiled. Finally, I had someone to talk to in this hell-hole ou sould call a "party". As the night went on, we talked about a bunch of random crap. We both found out that we loved Mountain Dew and sSkittles....MIXED TOGETHER!

When it hit about 3:00 a.m., Megan had this great idea to go T.P. Gabby Gonzalas' house. Gabby didn't come to the party because she and Megan got into a huge giht earlier that doay. I wasn't ever sure what the fight was about but I knew it had something to do with calling someone a slut and stuff like that. Stuff I don't like to get into.

We snuck out Megan's house with toilet paper, shaving cream, and hair spray. gabby only lived a few blocks away. When we got to her house, Megan huddled us all in a circle. "Okay," she whispered, "Be very quiet, destroy anything you can, and if someone comes out of the house, run to the closet neighbor's bush. Okay? Ready, break."

we all split up and wrapped all the trees and bushes in toilet paper. I helped people put haispray on Gabby's car, then write 'BITCH' on it with shaving cream. For the finishing touch, we wrote 'HO' with shaving cream really big on her lwan. When we were all done, we ran all the way back to Megan's house, crawled through her window, and gasped for air. Me and the girl, which I found out her name was Lucia, sat in a corner. We looked at each other and started craking up. Megan put on a movie and we all went to sleep. We all woke up to the smell of pancakes. Megan's mom offered to drive us all home. We drove by Gabby's house. Outside, Gabby was there crying, her boyfriend abgrey. I felt a pang in my stomache for some reason. Well, I still felt bad.

That Monday, I went up to her an apologized for the She smiled and siad,"Oh, that's okay. And thanks for apologizing. It means a lot to me."

She walked off and I felt better after that. i saw Lucia in the hall. We waved at each other. She was with Gerard. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I couldn't wait to go home today. It was my dad's birthday and me and my om were going to throw him a little party. As I walked home, I felt sombody fallowing me. Iturned around but nobody was there. When I turned back the to the front, I flet this earing pain on the the side fo my face. I grabbed the side of my face and looked up. It was Gabby's boyfriend. Before I could even say anything, he hit me so hard, I fell to the ground. I tasted blood in my mouth. He dicked me in the stomache. I couldn't breathe. I coughed out blood. He kicked me again. I sat there, without moving. How could I move? He ook my CD player that I was listening to and dropped it on the pavement. He then took my Green Day CD and broke it to pieces. I felt tears form in my eyes. he took my backpack and emptied everything out of my finders and threw it on me. I heard him un away and I heard a car stop in front of me. I heard the car door open and someone kneel by my side, "Maggie, are you okay?" they asked. I opened my eyes and saw Gerard. When I closed them, everything went silent and black.