Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Words Can Hurt Like Venom

"Jesus Christ," I heard Rachel say. My eyes felt a little wet. We all sat there silently. "She's going to pay for it. I swear," Rachel said with her fists clenched. She started to get up. I put my hand on her arm and pulled her back down.

We heard someone come down the stairs into the living room. We walked in. It was Gerard, Frank, and Ray. They were al sitting on the couch talking. Ray turned his head when we walked in and said, “Hey, what were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, um. Just stuff," I said.

"What stuff?"

"Maggie told us a story about Gabby."

"What was it?" Frank asked. Before I could answer, Mikey and Gabby walked into the room. They sat down. I got my cell phone and texted Frank. He looked up. I had only told him that me and Lucia T.P.ed Gabby. "Hey Gabby," Frank said.

"Yeah?" she said. I sank in my chair. Wishing he wasn't going to do what I think he was going to do. "Did you ever get T.P.ed?" I glared at Frank, even though he didn't see.

"Yeah, these girls T.Ped my house. I beat this one girl up. She was so hurt, she didn't show her face in school for a week. So got my revenge.."

"Yeah, they deserved it," Mikey said, kissing her cheek. Rachel almost got up again. I stopped her. Frank looked back at me. "Hey, uh, I have an appointment. Uh, we need to go."Gerard said, looking at me. I felt tears in my eyes.

"Okay. Bye baby!" Gabby said. She kissed him and practically choked him with her tongue. I was the first one to walk out the door. Rachel fallowed after me. Her cell phone started ringing. "Shit," she said, after she was done talking. "I need to go to Starbucks. I have an interview."

"Since when do you work?" I asked.

"Well I won't if I miss this interview."

I rolled my eyes. "Gerard, will you drive me down the street to Starbucks?" Rachel asked

"Yeah. No problem." he said, starting the car. We all got in and dropped Rachel off. She sat down at a table, while a woman joined her. As we drove, I started getting madder and madder. I stared at Mikey’s head. Tears formed in my eyes. They started dropping like rain. I whipped them away but they kept coming. I started shaking. Frank grabbed me, “It's okay,” he said over and over again as he caressed my hair. I cried harder. Gerard looked back. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

I was silent, head buried deep in Frank’s shoulder. “Maggie, come on. What is it?”

I still didn’t answer. He pulled over into a parking lot. “I will not move until you tell me what’s wrong.”

“That bastard sitting right beside you!” I yelled

“What? What did I do?” Mikey asked.

“Think. What did you say that could’ve hurt her.”

Mikey turned around and looked at me. “What could I have possibly said to upset you?” he said a little bit softer.

I looked away. He turned around. “Whatever,” he mumbled. Gerard started the car and drove away.