Tell Me Where We Go From Here


All day, sitting alone in somebody else's room. Nothing around you but walls and posters. Nothing in your hand but a razor. No feeling except for pain. That's were I am right now.

I can feel the blood come out of my arm, as tears fall on the cuts. It stings a little, but not that much. I've cried for nearly 4 hours now. i've cut myself for nearly two. About 30 new cuts cover my arms. I cut myself again. More tears fall. More blood comes out. I hear someone knock on the door. I quickly hide the razor and my cuts. I say,"Come in."

They come in. It's Gerard. He sits beside me. "It'll be okay. Come back won," he says.

"Hell no. Not after what he did," I said, getting up. I felt blood come down my arm to my hand. I quickly cross my arms."Please?" he asked.

I shook my head and sat back down, my arms still crossed. "Okay. Fine. But I'm going to come back up to check on you later," Gerard left and hut the door. I lay down on his bed and looked at the ceiling. I start to feel a little tried. I close my eyes for a few seconds and hear a knock on the door. They come in. This time it was Mikey. I look away.

"Come on Maggie," he said sitting on the bed. I feel a tear come down my face. I sist up and look at him. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I came up here to tell you I'm sorry. Fro whatever I did," he said.

"You know what you did," I said getting up,"Gerard explained it all to you."

He stared at me. "But I didn't know at the time."

"That's because you were too preocupied with Gabby to even think."

He stared at me again. He looked down. "Yeah, that's what I thought," I said.

"God, why are you being suck a bitch about this?"

"Do you even here what you're saying? Are you really that blind to see taht she hasn't changed?"

"But she has changed."

"Like how? She's still the little skank I remember."

"God! What did I or her ever do to you?"

I was through with this. "You did this to me," I said. I pulled up my sleeves. I I howed him all the cuts. I got the razor out of my pocket and threw the razor to the ground.

"Happy?" I said and walked out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this chapter was a little bloody. I had to come with something really intense so yeah. and comments would be nice. I love my comments. Plus, most of the time they're entertaining. LOL!