Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Grandmothers and Hell-holes

I woke up to my alarm. I hadn't had that dream in so long. God I missed them. I haven't seen or talked to Mikey since my parents died. My grandmother didn't let me do ANYTHING. She wouldn't allow me to talk on the phone or get on the computer. I felt so guilty for not talking to them all this time. I really miss them a lot. They were all I had.

I've been living in this hell-hole for 6 years now, waiting to move out. The only good thing about living here is that she made me do my school work so that I could get accepted into college. Fortunatly enough, I did. I got accepted into a college in New Jersey. I'm suppoed to leave in a week. Until then, I have to go work at stupid Wal-Mart. My grandmother says that the only way I could get stuff, is earn the money on my own.

I got up out of bed and got in the shower, put on my Iron Maiden shirt, black jeans, and smock. I put on heavy eyeliner and grey eyeshadow. I looked at myself in the mirror. I shrugged. 'Never gonna get any better', I thought. I headed downstairs to find grandmother drinking her morning tea. "Grandmother, I'm going to work now."

"Okay, but be back soon! I need you to groom Fluffy when you get home." she said. I sighed. Fluffy was her big, fat cat. I swear, grandmother loved her more than me. Even though it's probally true, but still. I can still at least hope that she loves me just a tiny bit. I mean, isn't every grandma supposed to be the kind that gives you a quarter every time you visit, or bake you cookies, or bring you hot coa-coa when you don't feel well? But my grandmother, she is the total opposite. She won't give you any money, she doesn't cook, and she doesn't give a damn if your sick.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. The only advantage of living with grandmother is that she's extreamly rich. She sent me to a goddamn private school where I had to wear a uniform. Hell, I'm from New Jersey for god sakes! I walked up my car which was a brand new SUV and got in. Oh, the only thing she ever gave me was a car. Only because she didn't want the chophere have to waste his time to take me to school.

So sorry for cutting you off, but unfortunatly, i have to get off the comp and i will continue this chapter 2morrow. i promise!
luv everyone!