Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Trip To Da Mall

I woke up with a jolt, which must’ve hurt Gerard because I heard him groan. I rolled off of him, which made me hit my head on the coffee table. “Owww,” I groaned.

“You okay?” Gerard said

“Yeah,” I said into the carpet. I forced myself to get up. I went upstairs into Mikey’s room. I went to his closet. I opened it cautiously. There was nothing in there but clothes. I breathed a sigh of relief. I went into Gerard’s room and put on some new clothes; dark skinny jeans, a Green Day shirt, and a pair of pink converse. I did my hair and makeup.

‘Dude, my hair needs color,’ I though. I walked downstairs and found Gerard drinking coffee and eating toast.

“Hey, the guys wanted to go to the mall. Do you wanna go?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Are you still thinking about him?”

“Yeah. I’m really worried. He usually doesn’t get upset like this.”

“Yeah, but can you blame him?”

“No. I really can’t.”

“You ready to go?”

“We’re leaving now?”

“Yeah, Ray and Frank like to get there early.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Yeah, I guess I’m ready.”

“Good,” he said and smiled.

Frank and Ray picked up us about 5 minutes later. We drove to the mall listening to music. I thought about Mikey and wished he had come with us. I feel really awkward around Gerard since he kissed me and all. I only tolerate him because Mikey’s gone and I know he needs someone. Most of all, I need someone.

We walked into the doors of the mall and headed directly to the Hot Topic. No questions about it. After goofing around for about and hour, we finally decided what we were going to get.

I bought 2 new pairs of skinny jeans, an iron maiden notebook, a new studded belt, 3 new shirts, and a Green Day hoodie. Hey, this is the only place I get my clothes. Gerard paid for more than half of it. I was really shocked he would do that.

We all went to the food court after dropping by Walden’s Bookstore for a new book. Well, for me anyways. The guys got comic books. We stopped by the piercings’ store. Frank got his lip pierced. Gerard stopped by the Apple Store to buy an iPod. I couldn’t believe Gerard had that much money. He probably gets it from his parents or something. Or maybe he had a job, who knows.

I didn’t eat anything while we were there. “Please take some of this,” Gerard pleaded, giving me some of his burger and fries.

“I’m fine. Really,” I said.

“What else do you want to do?” Frank asked.

“I want to get my hair colored,” I said.

“Nice. We can do that.”

After the guys were done eating, we went to the hair stylist place. I told the hair stylist exactly what I wanted. I wanted my hair dyed black and a huge splotch of red in the back. They took me to the back and washed my long brown hair. The guys said they were going to go to the Disney Store. I almost fell asleep because the person doing my hair massaged my head really, really well. She nudged me and started laughing. I smiled, “You need to think about being a misuse,” I said.

She laughed. “Um, I have an idea for your hair that you might like.”

“What is it?” I asked.
“It’s just starting to get new,” She said as she showed me a picture.

“Wow,” I said admiring the picture. It was a picture of long but it had a really chopped up layered look. (Aka, emo haircut today, and was very new back then)

“Let’s do it,” I said.

Even though I would have to get used to the shortness, it came out great. I couldn’t even it was my hair.

“Man, my guy friends are going to freak. Thanks so much!” I said and gave her a hug, “What’s you name?”

“Mariana,” she said at the register where I was paying her.

“Cool. I’m defiantly going to recommend you. And I will be back.”
She smiled and I gave her a $20 tip. I walked to the Disney Sore, which I’m surprised they stayed in there for like 3 hours.

I saw Ray first, so I went to him. “Whoa,” he said. I smiled. He touched my hair.

“It is real. I want my hair like that!”

“Don’t you dare cut your hair Raymond Toro! Someone should shoot you for even thinking that!”

He smiled, “Yeah, I guess it is one of a kind.”

I rolled my eyes. “Did you guys seriously stay in here the whole time?”

“No, we spent most of the time in the music store, then we came back.”

“Oh. Where are Frank and Gee?”

“I think they went over to Spencer’s.”

“Oh god,” I said, putting a hand to my head. Ray laughed.

“They went over there to look at clothes and CD’s,”

“If one of them comes back with something having to do with porn, I sear.”

He smiled, “You know what I’ve always wanted to do but never got to?”

“What’s that?”

“Get something pierced. Like my lip. I’ve always wanted snake bites.”

“Okay, do you want to now? There’s nobody to tell you no,”

“That’s true, but I’m a little scared. I’ve never gotten anything pierced before.”

“I’ll be there with you the whole time.”

“Okay. Yeah, let’s do it,” I said smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, you people got your update. I've always liked the red splotch thing in the back of your head idea. So, I used it.

To all those people who comment, thank you. This chapter is for you.

To those who dont comment, this chapter was not meant for you and I would love to give you two middle fingers up for not commenting. Just thank you so so much for not commenting.

Oh, and mariana, i love you. you are my soul sista.

you got ur update. and i'm so happy u made kyky and byby kiss!

jeeze, u kept us waiting forever!

(p/s: pssssssst...mariana, can i have some skittles for all of my hard work?)