Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Catching Da Guys Lookin at 'suff'! lolz

We walked to the store where they did piercings; no, not Claire’s. Though, I did think it was weird that they had one in a mall, but then again, it was New Jersey.

An old guy with a beard pierced my lip. Ray held my hand the whole time. I felt bad because I guess I clawed him in the process and skinned his hand.

“It’s okay,” he said. I looked at my snake bites in the mirror. I saw my lips curl into a smile. “Sweet,” I said.

“Those are pretty tight,” Ray said, admiring my bites.

“Did you just say tight?” I asked, laughing.

“I believe I did,” he said, smiling, “So, do you want to go find the other guys?”

I sighed, “I guess if we really have to.”

Ray laughed as we walked out of the store. We walked to Spencer’s and caught Frank and Gerard looking at some ‘stuff’. Ray and I cracked up because both of their faces went red.

“Oh yeah, that sure does look like CD’s and/or clothes,” I said.

“Whoa,” Frank said.

“You look incredible, Maggie,” Gerard said. I smiled and blushed.

“Nice snake bites. Now we’ll match!” Frank said, giving me a high-five.

“So, we ready to go? It’s almost 6,” I pointed out.

“Have we really been here that long?” Gerard asked.

“Yup, we’ve really been here that long. And I’ve gotta meet Rachel,” I said.

“Uh, okay. Let’s go then.”

We walked out to the car with all of our bags. I’m surprised that nothing got stolen. I sat next to Gerard on the way to Princeton University. About halfway through the ride, Gerard grabbed my hand and moved closer to me. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he whispered in my ear. I smiled and leaned my head on his chest. He responded by kissing the top of my head.

I thought of Mikey just then. That car ride to the Way’s house after I found out my parents died. I wonder if he’s home yet, watching a movie with popcorn and Sprite, what we always used to eat with a movie. We would add skittles if it was a scary movie. Occasionally, we would add Mountain Dew. That was usually only during breaks or Holidays.

We pulled up to the college after about 10 minutes. It was very big, really big actually.

“Uh, someone wanna walk up with me?” I asked.

“I will,” Frank said, “I need to see Rachel anyway.”

I nodded and got out of the car. Frank and I started up to the main building to at least find where the dorm rooms were…Or at least the main office.

“So, what’s up with you and Gerard?” he asked.

“Wow, uh, that was really random,” I said.

“I saw you guys back there. When did that happen?” I stopped walking, “Can you keep a secret?”

“Yeah, anything,”

I took a deep breathe, “Remember when Gerard asked me to go outside last night?”

“Yeah. What about it?"

“Well, he kissed me. Like, I don’t even know. It was weird because I didn’t see it coming, you know?”

“But do you like him?”

I smiled, “Yeah, I think I do.”
♠ ♠ ♠

if ur lucky, i'll update again.

haha. this goes to mariana.

u'll be up again soon. *cough* next chapter.

oh, i forgot to tell all the wonderful(ppl who actually comment)
and ppl who arent so wonderful(ppl who dont)

that i changed the hair stylist's name to mariana. cuz she wanted a place in da story.

so yeah.

okay, well, i kno it's kinda crappy and short.

oh well.

i want at least 10 comments.

or mariana is never gonna make her debut!