Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Journy at Princeton....where the princes go.

We literally had to search for the main office when we got inside. Which eventually, we found it. We walked up to the secretary, who didn’t look very welcoming. “Hello, where are the dorm rooms?” Frank asked politely.

“Where do you think it is?” Frank and I looked at her blankly.

She sighed, “It’s the building right outside with all the windows. You know, squares made out of see-through, shiny stuff.”

“I think we got it,” I said.

She took a pen out of her curly, put up hair. We walked out the back and saw the building, but it seemed like a mile away. There was a lake off to the side with calm, cool water. I felt like jumping in it right then. It looked so peaceful over there; so peaceful that you could hear a butterfly fly by.

“Wow that lake is pretty,” I said to Frank.

“Wow, I’ve never seen water that calm before,” he said looking at the lake.

We continued to walk. We saw at least 2 fraternities. A bunch of frat-boys with body paint on their torsos and faces. At least 3 guys would be running with a deg behind everyone else, screaming some sort of random order of the Greek alphabet. Which I guessed was the name of their fraternity. After about 15 minutes of walking, we found a building that kind of looked like a castle. It’s kind of hard to explain, but it looked like a castle; to me anyways.

We got inside of the building and searched for an office. Of course, the office was closed and all of the lights were out. Outside the office were a bunch of chairs and tables with a book on one of the tables. Frank grabbed and opened it. The book was about as thick as the encyclopedia.

“Ah, here we go. What’s Rachel’s last name?” he asked me.

“Jones comma Rachel,” I said.

“Room 386,” Frank said and closed the book, “Lets go Moore comma Maggie.”

“Okay Iero comma Frank,” I said taking his arm.

We went to the elevator and pushed the red button and patiently waited for the elevator to arrive. When it finally came, Frank let me on first. He pushed the number 3 and then we went up. Right as the doors opened on floor 3, we automatically saw girls running in their bras and underwear. I looked at Frank and smiled trying not to laugh. Frank put his hand to his head while he shook it. I saw him smile. I rolled my eyes. “Come on. You have a girlfriend,” I said, pulling him out of the elevator.

We walked down hall to Rachel’s dorm and knocked on the door. She opened the door and screamed. “Hey!” she said and gave me a hug.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey! It’s Mista Iero,” she said and kissed his lips.

“Yes, it is I. Frank the great,” he said, admiring himself. Rachel and I laughed and we heard Frank’s phone ring. “Hello? I just got here…Yeah, that sure would be helpful…Bye,” he hung up the phone. “Hey, I gotta go you guys. And Gerard asked if you could stay the night.”

“Oh yeah. Sure,” I said.

“Well, I could take her home,” Rachel said.

“Okay, bye you guys,” He gave us both a hug and walked to the elevators.

I stepped inside Rachel’s dorm. It was pretty good-sized for a dorm room. Her room mate was on Rachel’s bed. I recognized the bedding she bought with me. “Oh hey,” I said. She had long brown hair that was straighten and had a few blonde highlights in it. “Hey,” she said. She was very skinny but very stunning at the same time. She looked up at me. “Hey, you’re the girl that I did. Man, you’re hair came out better than I thought.” I remembered her.

“Oh! Hey! I didn’t know you were Rachel’s roommate. How surprising… and really odd at the same time,” I said.

“Yeah. Small world right?”

“I guess when you live in Jersey it is.”

She laughed as Rachel walked in the room. “Hey, so you guys met?” she asked us.

“Yeah, she was the one who did my hair.”

“Oh my gosh! Your hair! My mind was somewhere else! I love it!!!!” she said and touched it.

“Thanks. I know it’s a work of art. I paid Mariana a lot of money for doing it.”

“She did. She gave me a twenty dollar tip. That’s the biggest tip I’ve gotten in my life!”

“That’s cool. Well, do you want to watch a movie with us Mariana?”

“I can’t, Zacky is going to help me with my homework. And then take me out to dinner.”

“Okay. Have fun with Zacky.”

“You know I will.”

We all laughed. “Bye you guys,” she said and left.

“So, any sign of Mikey yet? Has he called or anything?” Rachel asked as I sat down on her bed.

“No. Not yet. We’re hoping tomorrow we’ll at least know where he is.”

She nodded. “So, what movie do you want to watch?”

“Hmmm….surprise me.”
“Okay,” she got on the floor and popped in a DVD.

At the climax of the movie, my cell phone rang. The caller-ID came up as Gerard. “Hello?” I answered. “Maggie…Mikey blood…”


“So much blood…”

“Gerard, you’re not making any sense,” I said, tars forming in my eyes.

“Maggie, this is Frank. We found Mikey in his closet. He’s lost blood from his arms and his legs….” His voice cracked, “Just meet us at the hospital.” He hung up the phone.

Tears rolled own my face. “What is it?” Rachel asked.

“We have to get to the hospital.”

Rachel didn’t ask any further questions. We ran the car and drove off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this chapter is for Mariana of corse. She got banned from Mibba. But I still love her. Plus, she's still talking to me. lol.

Thanks to Coverse Addict for the help on Princeton.

Thanks for the 4 comments I got on this story the last update.

And I only updated so that Mariana would update her story. lol.

You better update!!!!!


Love you guys!!!!!!