Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Wal-Mart and Funerals

I started up my car and drove off. I drove past the cemetary that me and Rachel go to if we ever need to talk and can't do it during school. I saw someone having a funeral. I thought to myself, 'Why can't that be me in that coffin?' I drove by and saw men and women in black. So sad. But then I just saw somebody I thought I might've reconised. I shook my head and said no. It couldn't be.

I pulled up to an empty parking spot in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Back to work. At least it was a little better than grandmother's house. Except I had this manager that bugged the shit out of me. All cause of my grandmother. Apparantly, she used to date him and broke up with him. She isn't that old. She's only 58. But, her first husband died because he was a policeman. She dated a lot after grandfather died. But now, I have to deal with the break-up between them. It's so junior high! When he found out where i lived, he about threw a hissy fit.

I walked into Wal-Mart, and there he came. "Maggie you're late! Haven't I told you never to be late!" I checked my watch. I was 2 minutes early. He would make up excuses to come and yell in my face.

"Mr. Walker. With all-due respect, I'm two minutes early." I said.

"Oh," he said, checking his watch."Well, get to work!"

I swear, he and grandmother are related! They're both cranky! I went to my register and clocked in. I saw Rachel at the next register, checking somebody out. Rachel was my best friend in the whole world. She was the only one who would talk to me at our private school. She lived on the same street as mine, Cemetery Dr. She had shoulder length hair. It was light brown with red streaks in it. She turned around when she was done and said,"Hey."

"Hey." I said back.

"What's up?" she said, walking over to my register.

"Eh, Mr. Walker hounding me as always. What else is new?"

She rolled her eyes and said,"Mr. Walker is an FTOD and you know it."

I laughed and said,"Yeah, I know."

Then somebody came through my line. They had short black hair and pale. I said, "Hello, how are you today, sir?"

"Eh, could be better."

I looked up at him. I thought I knew that face. I shook my head. 'No, that couln't be him could it?' I thought. He looked down. I watched him intently, then relized I had to scan his stuff. It looked like a bunch of crap for a party. "That will be $20.58." I said.

He got out his checkbook and signed his signature on the check. Now I knew it was him. I put the check through the scanner. I just starred at him. He starred back and I looked away. Should I say something? Would he remember me?

"Gerard?" I said.
