Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Mikey and Gerard

We starred at each other for the longest time. "What are you doing here in New York?" I asked.

"Helena died," he said, looking down. I bit my lip. Helena was the sweetest woman alive. I can't believe she was gone. She used to take care of me and Mikey all the time. And now she's dead. "Gee, I'm sorry," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks." he said, looking up and smiling at me. I smiled back.

"So, uh, how's Mikey?"

"I was wondering when you would ask that."he said, giggling,"He's uh, he's hanging in there. Since you left, he's been acting weird. He doesn't want to talk to anyone."

"Really? Like, I mean he hasn't talked to anyone?"

"He's talked to a few people, but he doesn't talk much."

"Oh. Well is he here?"

Just then I saw somebody, tall with glasses come over to Gerard. "Uh, ya he is."

"Oh my god." I whispered. I haven't seen him for so long I almost forgot what he looked like. He finally looked up and starred at me the longest time.

"Oh my god it's you." he said in dibelief. I nodded my head. I got out from behind the register and gave him a hug. "I've missed you." he whispered in my ear.

"I've missed you too." I said. When we released, he starred at me for what seemed a thousand year. "So, how are you?" I asked.

"Could be better." he said smiling. I smiled back

"I bet. I'm sorry about Helena."

"Thanks. But I can't believe your here. I haven't talked to you in such a long time. What happend to you? I mean, you've changed so much."

"Ya I know. Living with my grandmother can take some tolls on you. Like, since she made me get good grades and be smart and stuff, I'm going to a college in New Jersey."

"So you're moving back to New Jersey?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah. I've missed Jersey. I havn't been out of this state forever."

"I bet. With that strict women who's related to you! Jesus Christ! I wouldn't be able to handle living there." Mikey said.

"Ya, well, it was either that house or no where else."

"I don't understand why you didn't just live with us. I mean, we've been friends since kindergarden."

"My parents said in their will that if they ever died, they wanted me to be with a family member. And my only choice was grandmother because she was all I had."

"Well, that sucks!" Mikey said. I giggled a bit.

"Yeah, I wish I could've just stayed in Jersey. Here it's just different. It isn't the same. Everybody's too busy to do anything here. And it snows a lot more here than it does in Jersey."

"So, uh what are you doing tomorrow?"

"uh, nothing that I know of."

"Well, how about you me Gerard go out for coffee tomorrow."

"Okay, what time?"

"Uh, how about 11:00?"


"So uh, we'll see you tomorrow."

"Ya, bye Mikey." I said, giving him a hug. I gave Gerard a hug too.

"Bye Maggie!" Gerard and Mikey said, as they walked out the door.

'Wow,' I thougt to myself,'I can't believe I saw Mikey for the first time in 6 years.'