Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Deals and Angels

I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I got up out of bed and took a shower, did my hair, makeup. You know, the usual. I put on the clothes that Rachel picked out for me. I looked at the clock. It was only 9:30. I still had time before I had to meet Gerard and Mikey. I decided to drop a visit by Rachel. As I was walking out the door, I heard grandmother yelling for me in her room. "Yes?" I said as I went in there.

"There you are, were are you going?"

"Um, I'm going out to meet some old friends of mine."

"Oh, well, be back soon. I need you to help the maid with the book club meeting tonight. You know how those women can get."

'Yeah, just like you.' I thought.

"Well, I'll be back before 5, is that okay?"

"Yeah, I suppose it would be alright. Oh, and tell Gertrude to bring me my tea, would you?"

"Yes, grandmother." I said, as I walked out the door. I told Gertrude about the tea and headed down the street. I walked two houses down when I saw somebody outside on the curb, listening to music. As I walked closer, I relised it was Mikey. I stopped in front of him and he looked up, and smiled. "Hey, Maggie." he said as he got up. I smiled at him, "Hey yourself." I said. He grabbed me and gave me a hug.

"How's life treating you?"

"Eh, could be better, as always. What 'cha doing out here anyway?"

"Had to get out of the house. With my parents and some of my relatives mourning in there is hell."

"Yeah, I bet. I isn't fun to mourn over somebody you love."

"Yeah, I miss her." We stared at each other for a while.

"So, um where's Gerard?"

"Oh, running errands for them. He had to get out too. A house full of crying people is kind of depressing."

"Well, duh."

He giggled, "So, where were you headed?"

"To go see my friend Rachel. You wanna come with me? It's just a few houses down and I don't think your parents will miss you."

"Yeah, let's go."

We walked to Rachel house with our arms linked, talking about random crap. I rang the door bell and Rachel answerd. "Hey!" she said and gave me a hug.

"Hey," I said, "You remember me talking about Mikey right?"

"Oh my gosh, you're Mikey?"

"Yep, that would be me." he said.

"I've heard endless stories."

He looked at me, "Nice." he said.

"They were all good, I swear." I said, acting innocent.

He laughed a bit. "Do you still pretend to act like a sweet, innocent angel?"

"Oh, but Mikey dear, I am." I said, pretening to flap my wings.

He giggled and rolled his eyes,"Are you sure you're not the black angel?"

"I don't know. Maybe I am. You'll just have to find out."

"How will I find out great, wonderful master?"

"I don't know, how about buy me a drink at starbucks."

"Deal." he said, shaking my hand.

Rachel just starred at us, "You guys are weird."