Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Coffee and Cookies

Afer a few more rounds of car racing, Mikey and I had to go to Starbucks to meet Gerard. We were on Rachel's porch step.

"I'm going to miss you Rachel!" I said.

"I'm going to miss you too Maggie!" she said. We hugged each other like we wouldn't see each other for 10 years.

"You guys are freaks!" Mikey said, giggling to him self. Rachel and I looked at each other.

"We're going to miss you Mikey!" we said, and gave him a huge hug until he said, "Okay, get off! I can't breathe!" We all laughed.

"Okay, now we really have to go. Gee's gonna get mad at us if we're late." Mikey said.

"Yeah. Bye Rachel!"

"Bye!" she said and shut the door behind us.

"So, how are we gonna get there?" Mikey asked me.

"Uh, we can take my car."

"You have a car?"

"Yeah, got it for my 16 birthday."

We kept walking until we got to grandmother's house.

"Holy shit! You lived here?"

"Yup. If you like the house, you should see the car." I said.

I punched in the code on the garage door. We waited for it to open and reveal the car to us. The nice black SUV appeared before us. Also with an old red ferarrie that belonged to my grandpa. "Wow. Which one is yours?"

"This one." I said, pointing to the black SUV. When we both climbed in, Mikey said, "Holy shit! This is nice! What kind of music do you have in here?"

"Oh, you know. Pop, rap, Brittney Spears. You know." I said.

"Your not serious right?"

"No! I hate that crap! I have mainly burned CDs that Rachel gave me. It has Black Flag, The Beatles, The Misfits, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, stuff like that. You can choose a CD if you want to."

"God, you scared me for a minute there!" he said, while searching through all my CDs. When he had one in his hand, he put it in. Sounds of Aztro Zombies filled the car with music. I started singing along with Mikey.

"woah, all i want to know, all i want
with just a touch of my burning hand
i send my astro zombies to rape the land
prime directive, exterminate the whole human race
and your face drops in a pile of flesh
and then your heart, heart pounds till it pumps in death
prime directive, exterminate whatever stands left
all i wanted to say and all i gotta do
who'd i do this for, hey, me or you?
and all i wanted to say
and all i gotta do
who'd i do this for, hey, me or you?
woah, all i want to know, all i want
with just a touch of my burning hand
i'm gonna live my life to destroy your world
prime directive, exterminate the whole fuckin' race
then your face drops in a pile of flesh
and then your heart, heart pounds and it pumps in death
prime directive, exterminate the whole fuckin' place
well all i wanted to say and all i gotta do
who'd i do this for, hey, me or you?
and all i wanted to say
and all i gotta do
who'd i do this for, hey, me or you?
woah, all i want to know, all i want to know,
all i want to know, all i want oh go"

By the time the song was over, I spotted a Starbuck and saw Gerard ordering coffee. I pulled into the parking lot and found an empty spot. I turned off the car and got out. Mikey kept sitting inside the car. "You coming?" I said.

"No, this car is too nice!"

"Come on! You have to buy me coffee remember?"

"But, it'll just be alone. Out here all alone, with nobody with it to keep it warm. Poor car." he said, hugging the seat.

"Then why don't you just marry it?"

"Good idea! Can you drive us to Vegas?"

"Come on Mikey! Your brother's waiting!"

"Screw my brother!"

"Okay, I will."

"Ewww! Nasty!"

"I'm going." I said, walking backwards.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!"

He got out of the car and ran to me. "Haha. I knew that would get you out." I said. He laughed. "Ya, when you bring in doing my brother, I get a bit freaked out."

I laughed and said,"I don't know, your brother's kinda cute."

He gave me an evil glare. "Okay, your cuter than your brother. You happy now?"

"Yes, very." he said, smiling.

We went inside Starbucks and found Gerard sitting at a table.

"Gosh, what took you guys so long?"

"Well, Mikey got addicted to my car. And I practically had to drag him out." I said.

"Ya, well, look at it Gee. It's the big black one."

"Holy shit! When'd you get that?"

"When I was 16."

"God! All I have is an old used car."

"Haha. I guess I'm just lucky."

"So, Maggie, what do you want?" Mikey asked.

"Uh, cinnamon dulche' latte."

"K, be right back."

"Why is he buying you coffee?"

" We had a deal that I would tell him if I was the black angel, or inocent if he would buy me coffee. Long story. But yeah. So, uh, how are you?"

"Eh, that house hold is hell. All there is to eat is cassoroles."

"Yeah, that's what Mikey said."

"You know, you look really nice today." he said.

Before I could say anything, Mikey came back. "Here's your coffee. So, are you the black angel? Or just not an angel at all?" he said, sitting down.

"Uh, I'll have to think about that. Uh.....I'm an innocent angel."

"Sure. Right."

"It's true."

"I want proof."

"Okay. I'll give you proof." We sat there in silence. "So, where's your proof?"

"I'll give it to you if you get me a cookie."

"Fine. I will." he said, getting up.

"Wow, I didn't think that would work." I said.

"Mikey's a sucker for pretty girls." Gerard said.

"Oh, really?" I said, taking a sip of my drink.

"Yeah." he said. Mikey came back. "Here's your cookie! So now, show me how your an angel?"

"Okay, I will." I split the cookie in half and gave the two pieces to Gerard and Mikey.

"Ew, you are an angel!" Mikey said.

"Yes, an angel that came down from cookie heaven!" Gerard said, taking a bite.

"Haha! Told you so!" I said.